Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:55 PM triathlon trg cant be any hionger! but i like it. i dont feel as much stress. maybe because i like it. 6 sessions per week. and on wednesday there are two trgs one in the morn and one in the night. i love riding those triathlon bikes. they simply make your adrenaline run i just get all euphoric when i ride them. but i still cant mount a bike properly. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ytd we were super late for trg and i know mr lee was actually pissed for the first time. with us. haha but weve decided to be early for tmr's trg!!! northern trail! hmm when was the last time i ran ten km? and tmr chris pwee and i are probably gonna start with the filming of episode one of _________. er we havent decided a name for the show. but the main characters are ___________. hee i gotta go prepareto go gombak for erhem and erhem.!! i heard the 6k gathering was fun. abit regret i didnt go . but the clinic at ecp was FUNNER! haha cycling ten km! and the pro emilee swam in the sea. glad i didnt drown la huh. the moment i pop my head up, i see grownups. hee from the front i went to the back. i hope i can swim as fast as a dolphin by the end of six clinics! i havent started on my physics assignment. biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii that was supposed to be the sound of my spitting saliva btw Friday, May 26, 2006 10:20 PM today mschan left. awwwwwwwwwww so sad la. wtf all the good teachers are leaving. frankly, if ms chan didnt leave, i wouldnt think of her as such a special teacher. the june holidays see so mundane to me.and a bit scary too. i somehow fore that the end of the world will be in june. ok pls let it be at least aftr 17june. todays i notstupid2 reminds me of my PPG gang. :D anyw i went to nx house with nono, moomoo, piang and of course nx la. to watch advent chidren! it was quite a disappointment leh i think but marlene and denzel are so cute!!!! i slept on nx's floor during the second part cos we saw ytd. so shiok leh! reached home at 555 and slept till 625 and left for trg at 640. pwee dowan to go la walao. where got such thing one lor. and chris was at a wedding dinner. somemore send me a mms.but i cant see. haha i was thinking that today would be independence day for emily. haha trg was fun leh i think i ran with this 49 yearold caucasian lady. i could tell that she abit ERHEM intimidated by limpei la huh. heehee jkjk we finished the 3km tgt. leelee say i got speed leh. i feel so proud. and my self esteem was raised by 50%! the aunties there are so sweet haha . someone even wanted to pao me buy offering me a lift to marina south on sunday's trg leh. but i forgot to tell her the queue of ppl who want to pao me starts from sentosa tanjong beach. plus, she has to be aftr dawn haha and the tp man was very funny haha. sometimes grownups are cool. cool man! whatever. heehee but the road from the staium to the mrt was er abit scary. i fished out my umbrella as weapon against rapists. cos i know i too pretty plus i have a hot bod so aot of ppl wanna eat my tofu. ohman sexy reminds me of khan's pants becoming a semi-cheongsam tanks to pwee. haha sometimes its good to have someone to walk you home. Thursday, May 25, 2006 9:59 PM OMG OMG LOST IS STARTING!!!!!!!! i love lost i love lost. hay poeple u shud seriously go watch it. 6:48 PM omg the orange hair guy from final fantasy is so shuai! altho many ppl prefer cloud, i prefer him!!!! he is like soo cool man! when i saw the movie, i was reminded of the times when i was like erm in pri sch then my bro always play final fantasy on the ps.then i will always watch so intently firstly, because squall is very handsome secondly becos rinoa is very pretty and thirdly, i will imagine myself as rinoa and have a bf like squall. h and then hor, when i was in p1, my bro ask me to play with him. we bothe stepped on the pages of a open dinosaur magazine then he will spin and spin and we will hold hands and stretch away form each other and spin. it was so fun, but i fell down and becos it was pain i cried. so my mum helped me up and when i was carried away, i saw a diluted spot of blood on the floor. oh so my nose bled. HAHA the orange guy name is reno! so cute! yay i set a pic of him and rude as wallpaper haha. ok a bit noob but nvm. today during msmo lesson i almost cried when she cried/ i just feel that she is such a dedicated teacher. she takes so much pride in her work and she cares for us.. awwwwwwwwww when she went out of the class, i took a glance at her and my mind told me "this is the last time you will ever see her in your life." aww today llm rocked my socks off!!!! i was darn happy when she called me lor. i tot she like me or sth. then when she ask me to go bakc, she say very softly, tanks alot. OMG so sweet OHOHO!!!!!!! then when i went back i realised that she called me not becos she like me or what, but because i was beside the broom :| Friday, May 19, 2006 9:36 PM today is a fun day!!!!!!! iron12-3 snuck into dvc!!!!! omg haha sounds noob but i think we beir pro leh!!! and happy bday fann lol we took bus to cine then crpa and crap. ok. leena nearly murdered me on the bus. but i survived the ordeal and managed to catch the show. we change to home clothes in the toilet. oya btw during math test i suddenly realis ei forgot to bring all my accessories la. i took liek 1 hour choosing it ytd. i so pissed. i put it in this pouch then i left it on my table. grrr nvm anyway we ate bk. dun realli liek it. haha then we went upstairs we saw the people checking a whole grp of boys's ics. wah and the boys look alot like sec 4s. then we started to think that we might not be able to get in cos they might check our ids. then we stand there discuss and discuss. then by that time the the entrance was like packed with people. wha then pweepwee heroine cam eup with this superb idea of just walking in w/o letting them tear the tickets. then we guang ming zheng da de squeeze in. and we got in!!! ahah but nono nx jo and ahso were stuck outside cos i think they didnt noe. so ya. when we got in we like CID. haha pwee, chrisp and ahpiang went to contact the rest. asshoel and i stayed back to look aftr the bags then i went to explore the exit see got anyway in. then ltr i was standing outside calling nono. then the guard when to close the door form inside and i was locked outside cos the door could not be opened form the outside. wtf. zzzzzzzzz so i waited for rescue. then ahpaing came out then we explored another exit near the exit. quite scary lol/ got service lifts and all those stuff. reminds me of that time ahpaing an di went to explore je third and fourth floor and the stairwell. lol/ anyw piang and i attempted to play hide and seek with the blue shirt cinema guy haha. then paing received a call and nono or sth said that they got in alrd. piangs. so we call chrisp to open the dorr for us.we sit in the second row so a bit paiseh everyone cna see us walk around and oepning the door. hahabut nvm. so fun. m sure piang had a happee birthday with iron12- moomoo chuanie and karen when the show ended we went to take neos.long time nv take neos and it turned out to be nice cos i was in it HAHA. i strongly recommend dvc. if u are under 16, better. cos it makes ur adrenaline rush just to sneak in and find ways to sneak your friends in. Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:13 PM i miss WA. wish i cna live there. away from all the troubles and just concentrate on the two favourtie things in my life-science and running. whenever i see that australia advertisement. my heart aches. ohman. i cant imgaine if i really miss it so much until i go mad. i wanna go there this june holidays. every now and then i think of myself shopping in fremantle. i dreamt i brought my family there. and i was like so pro. now all the shops. haish. guess that if the trip didnt end, i woudnt feel like that, owell verey beginning has an end, and every end is a beginning. just like i hope my end for track is a beginning for triathlon. hope. Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:48 PM oyes i forgot to add that im highly attracted to shuai guys who can play the drum game at the arcade super pro-ly! HAHA anyw today has been happily hectic for me. i am running here and there looking for kc tan, waiting for a definite reply. ive been thinking about it for a week isnt it long enough? i dont like to wait.esp for replies. now i dont even know where am i supposed to go, what am i supposed to do? i think im being irritating and despo to want everything in my way. but if u really want sth badly, i guess u will do what i do. so yes im still waiting for kc tan's reply. i dont know whther im up to it, but im willing to give it a try, its a matter of whether i have the chance to do so or not. Monday, May 15, 2006 9:39 PM 1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of his/her perfect lover. 2. Mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. 3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave acomment at their blogs. 4. If you are tagged the second time, there is no need to do this AGAIN. 5. The most impt rule: have fun doing it. ok i got tagged by jade. its a long time ago. i saw it. but i lazee to type. cos i was too buzee with the ERHEM. ppg administrative work. haha soyes i know alot of ppl waiting to see this and see whther they fit into the criteria lor. haha one. hmm. has to someone i feel comfortable ard with. like i just have to be myself! two. someone who will laugh with me! MUAHAHAHHAHA twee. taller than me? four. becos this is my fav number, its the most impt point. the person has to like me for who i am!and i cannot bully me. i mena, actually, who dares to la? ok maybe i end up bullying him. fifth. i like interesting and cool guys! sixth ehh i dont like flirts. seventh. zzzzzzzzz funny lor/ must care for me. cos my life concerns the future of PPG eighth play with me! i am not curved. so ya i like males.zz yay. i dowanna tag ppl la. aiya ok la. see u small. aiya nono and ahpiang have been tagged alrd. hmmmm 1. maoxi!!!!!! 2. maoshe!! altho i cant read ur blog 3.assholehb2 4.ERHEM. liray. 5.tan kc HAHA 6.zzzz still got who. must pick those who has blogs that are alive. ermmmm LEENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UH FORGET IT. zzzzzzzzzzzzz Friday, May 12, 2006 11:46 PM thursday's me went home, rid of self denial. this is a post of self confession. noone knows me better than i do. so yes. i am a determined and highly motivated person. but that only applies to things that i have the passion for.other than that, er toobad lor. i absolutely hate to admit that i give up easily especially when it comes to running. my running stlye is start fast and stick with the leader. but if i find the gap between me and the leader getting bigger and more people starting to overtake me, i give up! like wth i dont like this part of me. i know i should change. it has happened during last year's track nats. for my finals. and walao i feel so ashamed at myself. the starting phase of everything is usually hard for me. i know this, its hard to get me started on anything sometimes even those that i like.but once i get over the start phase, i really work hard lor. like wednesday i was piaing physics hw. at 12 plus i still lagging looking around for food. then it was only until 1am that i really felt my adrenaline rush and got down to work. and i slept at twoforty!so cool rite. i like to take things for granted. and i admit that i take my father for granted. okok back to track. i dont even have a goal now! and because im quite a goal-oriented person, if i dont have a goal, i will really slack off! i dunnoe whtehr i still wanna do 800m or go bk to cross. thursdays trg was wahcow. 400m trial and 8 laps at 2mins perlap. at first i thought it was gonna be quite ok. then aftr running five laps. and keeping up with hiongkia's pace, my ribcage pain so i stop, but most of it is because i couldnt take the mental torture. its always like that.im not liek pweepwee that kind got sick all that. i rarely get sick or injured.the prob is my head! aiya. zzzz anyway today maozh maoxi and maoqi and sikiat came to my house to watch movies! walao the huoyuanjia is like so nice lor. and sikiat somemore sya it was lame. its like super meaningfula nd super touching la, altho jetli nv touch me. moral of story: if sikiat says that a movie is lame, its VERY nice. and oday maozhu and i bought the same hp strap. walao actually i wanna buy mickey mouse one lor.zzzzz then its 8.90. so ex. then ltr we went to billabong shop then the straP very nice! so i think we got adrenaline rush or sth. so we buy lor. maozh so ON. whoa its late . wtsai! i supposed to do at least one hw today sia!!!!!!!!! walao. tmr i got trg then aftr trg still gonna go out leh! sai la. i dowanna end up paiing hw until am again on sunday lor.zzzzzzzzzzzzz ok i must have the pro spirit. dontknow dontcare dontbother. at most tmr bring some hw got chance then do. Tuesday, May 09, 2006 9:19 PM firstly. lion king is so farny on police and thief. like whathehell. just now i saw a small part of it. then whenevr lionking(georgy or sth) was told to do sth in an attempt to work tgt with the rest to steal whatever jade dragon. eg: marklee: georgy will steal sth from the shop. georgy: i want naked naked! he wants to run naked ||| walao i see liao i laugh like hell! secondly i rreally really really wonder how poeple like lirui can get 87 for amaths. in general, how some people can really score so high. i can barely skim thru a pass for amaths./ ok yes i admit i only study the day before the exams for most of my subjects, but many ppl also did it! and they like nabeh fly sky high!egadsahghgfdasfasd.zzzzzzzzz nvm at most nextime pia more. but i really cannot bring myself to study subjects like amaths, emaths, maths, hist/ aiya everytime exams always like that de la. get back results then come and kb. its too late./ but thats what ppl always do. thirdly today i am a happy kid!no, not because my ppg won another gang fight, erhem FYI, MY PRESTIGIOUS POTONG PASIR GANG has alrd beaten all the 444 gangs in sg, and soon, im gonna expand my turf to jb. cos i always go there pump oil for exams. and thing is, my ppg forever win one. i mena liek duh, i am the gang head lehhh. wwalao dont praypray please. anyw i go to sch i see maozhus kb face HAISHHHH nvm. then i say moomoo depressed face. then i say assholes f-ed up face HAHA. thne i saw fann trying to imitate me. damned farny! then i say urine!!!!!!! i attempted to choke slam her a FEW times :D yesyes and 3b was pretty, ohno, handsomely noisy today heehee.its just nice to see everyone having fun.walao then pweepwee started the whole arresting thing. she arrested me a few times, then i became her fello colleague so we arrested sikiat and liray. walao i want urine to stand up lor. so i can choke slam her MUAHAHAHAHAHHA ok. then maozhu nearly kiss me lor. who else did we arrest? hmmmmmm.tmr we will arrest ahhuat! wtf tmr no sch.... maybe sch holiday shoudl be on thursday!okok this point is abit crab la har fourthly omgomg 4 is a damned nice number so must blog about the funny things that happen. ok liray added a new speciesto his erhem pisai family. then hor during chem prac aftr sch i did it with that gun then i was walking around with one thirs of my testube filled with some sai and a magnesium ribbon to find blue litmus. cos the question ask what do you think will happen if u add blue litmus. i emna if they ask u thinkl. confirm is will turn red right... anyw i ge kiang a bit anyw limpei got too much time. ahha so i go take litmus. then khonglim the sexay voice blocking the way to my seat then i say excuse ecuse then i move the chair away so i can go in. then i lift up the blue litmus then i wanted to put it into the test tube then i realised the testube was empty. then xiuyi and i laff until our mouth nearly drop. i look aorund the area and discovered a blot of water plus a magnesium ribbon near the chair i moved. then we laff even harder. aiya it might not seem farny to you, but its DAMNED FARNY TO U, but its damed farny to us!!! fifth. zzzzzzzzz i dowan how to feel about track trg.i know i did it once last yr and that i can do it again. i noe the starting is tough and when the going gets tough, you still have to move on! i know we have to keep out all negative thoughts and blahblahblah. at the fourth set i stopped because too many people overtook me and wtf thats a lame reason can.walao reminds me of last yrs 800mlor. i slow down becos too many people infront of me but actully according to fann them still got people behind me. wtf. alywas like that lor. it always happens for track. i just wanna go back to where i belong. like macritchie. turfcity., i dread track trg. i dreaded today, now im dreading thurs cos theres trials on thurs. but subconciously. track trg leave me hgihly motibvated. aftr trg ard 7plus. which is my curfew. becos im mordern day cinderella have to reach home early if not will become chioer and make ppl melt. haha anyw i saw the bustop i was supposed to take on the other side of the road. i didnt know whether the bus was gonna come or whtehr i was gonna miss it. then i told myself, if you dont start now , when do you start? so i sort of pia-ed across the overhead bridge. and erhme actually i can fly one lor. just that i dowan use my magic powers let ppl see/:D sixth urine calls me medicine! and it really raises my self-esteem la can. my self esteem is alrd beri high liao seventh shheet shat shit. i forgot what i wanna say. zzzzzzzz hmmm WALAO I JUST RMBERD THE JOKE ME AND URINE WERE LAFFING ABOUT TODAY. IT WAS THE XIAORANGE JOKE. DAMMIT. its super farny. i too lazee to write on. eighth aha! another of my fav numbers! ninth dammit i must get ten tenth the tenth factor is something beri interesting that many pppl have told me about today. :the earth is round. wtpharque.(: |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |