Monday, January 30, 2006 1:14 AM hoho friday is suchan unforgettable day for me! for the first time in my life i was late for skool. hay really okay. the last time i was ALMOST late. but friday i came at 7.34. and erhem people like amandasshoel and maozhu apparently assumed that i was absent and was so worried about me HOR? haha okay. here goes the story. the pro emily set her alram at 5.40 as usual than when the alarm rongs i normally will slp for a few more monutes thne wake up. but this time i think i slept for an hour/ haha okay so i got up at 6.47 unknowingly. i assumed it was 5.47 cos i saw the 47 and woke up. then i slowly go and brush my teetha dn put my lens and wear my uniform. then as i entered my parents room to put hair cream, wah my eyes swept the rooma nd i saw soemhting beir bright. no, not a ghost, but the bright blue sky. and i was like," eh? why so bright ar today?" so i went to my rooma dn check my watch. 7.03 phuck haha so i started rushing then i went down to take a cab. and i had the most meaningful taxi ride of my life. cos i had a good talk with the taxi uncle. i told him my familyproblems and my ambitions and what i think. and he told me what he thought too. at least now i know what i see is not what others see. and i was seriouly enlightened haha i mean i nv told anyone so much and noone ever listened to me so patiently. not even my fwens or my father. there wasnt a moment we had nothing to talk about. anyway hes quite old. and he laff that time cannot see eyes haha and pretty loud too. but in my fluster i forgot the car palte number and his name. haha too bad. im destined to meet him only once in my life. but once is enough. too much is too many haha wishing the taxi uncle all the best and his daughter a happy marriage! Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:43 PM sometimes i am partially at fault but the point is that the way u talk is like evrything i wrong! haha ok maybe u dun understand what i did. nvm. i win u win everybody win. dun talk about it liao cos im nice person ya so tell me what u want what u really really want/ and tell em what i wnat what i really really want/ i really wanna do well in everything that i do. ok. those tht i like to do la. not like math but strangely i still like to do well in math. i mean if u can, why not. plus if u think u can do it then u can do it. today i realised something about myself. i may dislike someone for awhile, but when they talk to me after a misunderstanding blows over, my herat will just melt and i feel that i can forget anything hurtful they said to me. i think its good lar okay. but of cos i cna still rmb what they say to me la, i mean, u cant take bakc what u say. so must be diplomatic HAHA i like pdp man cos we get to work with our hands my hands are so beautiful! and during assembly, omfg.i was charmed by uncle albert! he looks abit like lee kuan yew lar!!!!! then he paly damned got style. he play difficult tunes like NOTHIng liddat lor. confirm is i teach one, no wonder now i dunnoe how to play cos i pass all my pro skill to him yea. when they played wake me up when september ends. its soooooooooo cool i almost thought it was september now. and i thought of all the significant people in my life. and when they did three cheers for sec three. i find it so heartwarming and weird that to think back again, we were the most united batch of sec twos last yr, all mingled tgt. and weird becos somehow or rathe ri sense that we are all trying to make life more enjoyable/ Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:29 PM maybe i should blog haha yea thats what im doing on a sunday. day before math test. its always the case ya. the day before math test i will mug. ABIT. then slck. and then pass with swimming colours. not flying. and swimming equals just pass happily. ytd the northern trrail route was vblocked due to soil erosion. must be the soil dunnoe i goin there to run so erode first. nabeh. hoho nvm so we ran two guys route. arount 9.8km. we kept up with the sec two gals pace. whenever people say sec two gals or i say it, i feel weird. cos it seems as tho im calling myself man. haha i think the sec twos are strong cos i teach one. anway at least i managed to complete the thingy without stopping and managed to keep up with chrisleen and mishel hoho enqi send me some magic ballw ebbie in which i went to try instead of mugging for maths. and i typed " does llm like me?" and the ballball swirl and swirl then like got alot of smoke liddat then they write "im most certain" wee oo wee!!!!! that was blardie cool/ i think im a lagger. i dun feel liek mugging for math. (i never feel like doing it) goddamnit im in the mug for hist! curse the tsar! mode. especially since the tsar nicholas II is in my class. we outta know more about him ya. tmr going to run wee i feel so proud to be an athlete! and doing what i enjoy doing Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:31 PM Before a LLM lesson, your heartbeat increases During a LLM lesson, you pulsate like a mad dog. After a LLM lesson, your can't even feel your heart beating. This is because Before a LLM lesson, you are so phreaking nervous you can jump out of your clothes. During a LLM lesson, your adrenaline rushes like a sprinter. & After a LLM lesson, you heave a sigh of relief that your race is over. Life is like a race, just like a LLM lesson. (: Monday, January 16, 2006 5:39 PM today's celebration was quite spastic. altho i admit i am rude to say that. anw aftr skool we had a class gathering and we went to jec to eat. i was in the hyper mode when i sya fann and janice. haha and i miss pear la .. i look forward to goin to her house to watch the last episode of my favourite show LOST. ye si know its abit late lar.. but... nvm we went je then we bought cake for the january babies maoxi maokiat maoshuen maosheng. yeah beir hyper haha the cake was yummy!!!! then aftr that we went to iceskating ring to play fotohunt but it wasnt on yet... haishhh so we decided to dian3 ge1 at the cd station there. when the songs were playing i was pretty much just staring at the rink. just happy that in was with twobee. the songs i chose were queen of my herat then sundance. the memories will last for eternity. yea i agree to that. i was crying in my heart cos i downa to spoil everyone's mood but im sure they felt the same. its like twobee is still the best. i know many of you out there will of cos liek ur previuos class and we danced to the song sundance aftr that :D later we went chervons to bowl. not plate. ok lame. then later we went home. actually i thought that for a moment i was adapting well with my new class and that i can survive without twobee and that i can tide over the crisis very quickly, but it all turns out that i was well only on the surface but not inside. Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:15 PM sigh ytd was abit boring maybe beoc si wasnt sitting with maomao or crossers. anmd also becos nigelCOWwas beside me. f la he thinks he is beir cool with his stoopid whistling. ok nvm, just to sum up my feeling ytd. i fell beri insecure about the way i dress. like i scared i dress horribly. i only liek my glitter :D dunno ela, i always feel liddat about how i dress. but normally when i ahve fashion parades inf ront of my own room mirror. i dress outrageously haha but thats for my OWN viewing pleasure. nvm. i like the dance item best! i shant criticise about the items that i dislike becos they ahve put in alto of effort la. aftr the thingy, i decided to wrap myself up in my jacket. haha. at least i feel covered. but it was seriously hot lar. gawd i dunnoe why when my father called me i suddenly lafff.. then i went right into laffing mode. awww so happy haha but only afew priviledged people like maozhu maoxee fongyee qimina nd janice saw it haha wee. i dunnoe how to talk to you although i really wanna talk to you Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:07 PM i am what i am lar okay. you have known me for two years. okay one and a half. so why are u judging me only now? today had llm's lesson. to me, every lesson of hers is like a challenge. so if i manage to survive her lesson successfully. then good lor haha. tmr half the class is gonna disappear.. its gonna be a slack day. PLUS NO AHMUI!!!1 YAY haha todya toemass reminded me athat i said i would protect them for llm. but liek now i cant even defend myself lol haha and today during maths, it wasnt sucha adisaster for me lar heng. at least i can speed though the paper. its been years since i could last do that. i really hate maths. but lemme ego abit lar hor :D i think im slightly gifted in math. cos those international whateva sheet math competition i normally tyco get credit HAHA and i slept for half hour for the australian math competiton. plus i was picked to go to the wateva sheet mathematics olympiad trg. which i went to see mr chow and got myself outta it. in which the selection test i tyco do HAHA ok. maybe i shud've deleted the above paragraph. but its something that i know deep down in my heart about myself that u might not believe.hee. ok ego over. eueu's lesson was damned phking inspiring la. esp the part on the refining of crude oil. its liek my eyes gleamed, my toes tiggled with excitement. its liek the feeling is coming back. the sciencey feeling! goddamnit its like, only science can make my adrenaline rush. not even running. bow i know why i love science so damned much. cos i feel so attached to it. like somehow somewhere sometiem i've done it before. omfg im so blardie hell motivated plus inspired. and aftr sch we had trg under water. as in rain la. ok lame./it was 5 sets of 800m. my favourite and i think i better at these sets then other 400m set :D after everytraining i feel accomplished. after every science lesson, i feel amazed. and lastly, everytiem i look into the mirror, i feel so proud of who i am. emilee the pro daolang zaizai dapi macho b1 marie the best Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:17 PM fuckyou. do u noe why i never lisyen to you. becos u are dmaned biased u blardie hell use different tones when u talk to me or anyone elso. u talk to me as if i owe u my life. yes i came form ur womb. but so does he. you talk to me as though im in thw worng when ive done nothing wrong. you ralk to them as though u are pleading them. fuckoff man. or woman. i dont need ur mercy. or at least u never have mercy for me. Sunday, January 08, 2006 9:16 PM jade says: cv+b jade says: +fc vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'vvvc0//0 u kuku lah. look, im not going to listen to u. says: hahas jade says: ''; jade says: ' u kuku lah. look, im not going to listen to u. says: okok u kuku lah. look, im not going to listen to u. says: lols u kuku lah. look, im not going to listen to u. says: wads happening to jade u kuku lah. look, im not going to listen to u. says: haha jade says: -8985;/ someone who has a hole in her pocket says: errrrrrr someone who has a hole in her pocket says: HAHAAH someone who has a hole in her pocket says: thats dmaned cool someone who has a hole in her pocket says: i think she became a robot 7:51 PM i spend some time wondering why i didnt have a post on 7 january and i realised that i didnt click the publish post button on my screen while i was blogging ytd. anyways i had trg ytd and it was pretty disppointing. i mean , like i didnt really enjoy the run. and i constantly thought of giving up when i should not. but after training we all went to jec and i have two balls of time laffing my mouth off. lirui was damned farni(duh) and jj seriously has a pineapple problem haha darius was acting slutty. and janice who was the birthday girl, looks like she is crying when she is actually laffing realli hard.ningxin laff like shes about to vomit!! heard alot of stuff. know alot of stuff. but i still half-believe what i hear cos they he/she havent done anything to me yet. haha well i woke up at 4.30 today and left my house at around six to buy stuff for the board. it dug a hole in my pocket. smooch to 35 bucks! haha i think i hafta go DO my math. and to pageupearlyn, tanks a huge lot! Friday, January 06, 2006 10:09 PM hay. i was just thinking that maybe we forgot we were overall champs for the orientation. today went the 3bustop was read out, i was damned phking shocked. i emna i didnt realli expect it lar. the moment i heard it i was liek oh sheet. my tutu size 15 shirt plus tutu hairstyle = tutu sheet man... walao. then i scrambled up the stair when i was up there i smiled becos i feel as though history was repeating itself. its like last time twobee won orientation champp and now th eclass that im in also won orientation champ. and two beee was so united. i just have a good feeling. altho we might be a bit quite now. but still. i hope we can draw a full circle . then when i went down the feeling bye bye liao. and i suddenly feel so tutu with the tutu shirt plus tutu hairdo lor/ cow. nvm anyway we took our height and weight for pe . i was 158cm goddanit i tot i was so tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwww then me janice and maozhu form the 158 club. me and maozhu height and weight same/ which is damned cool! thne we palyed bball :) that i forgot which fella threw an thunder ball at em and it landed on the mud. i had to pik it up/1 yuck! but nvm. mudspa for my hands. wala and then when i shot this ballball in. i was damn high man!!!!!!!!!!!! i dunnoe why, i just do what i usually do when i managed a tyco ball.heehee. but i not bad one ok..! ahha eueu was damned farnie her voice is super motherly. and today oen of my greatest achievement was i talked to thomas a quite a far bit today. considering he was my pri schoo fwen and i guess he totally forgot abt it. ahha blue flower came in todya and she yakked a fair bit about exams. and iw as pretty scared man. partly becos i dun quite know who to speak chinnese. aftr sch we went to tend the booths and its was abit xian la. but thans to me, i managed to make myself laff alot. especially the pageu part benana and pearl shud noe this and cassie too ahahaha basically things were becoming mroe an dmore farnie as the hrs ticked by. and hb2 attempted to carry me on pggyback plus i requested a 2000 degree spin. yay ahaha fun day esp the pageu part Wednesday, January 04, 2006 9:27 PM today i met up with amandadahb2astroboyboynabehkiaasshole , faboonbabi s/o emily, jaDENG, maochichichimpanzee. as a matter of fact i have been having constipation for almost a week. there is so much stuff in my intestine that my waist apparently grew an inch i think. and at commonwealth mrt in the wee hours of a wednesday morning. i produced a tube of sheet ONLY. becos i did not bring my science worksheet. but i did it okay. tanks to faboonbabi s/o emileelimuiyan i managed to sheet abit cos i had a terrible stomachache when i though of mrs lee's super angry face when i get scolded. i have seen that a lot of times and i dont wanna see it anymore. ok, maybe she always looks angry. i think the only time i saw her happy was that time when twobee went to geeann poly foran exhibit. she was sitting a taxi home then i suggested we wave to her. then we waved to her then she smile. there was the only time i saw her smile. nvm. i am still constipated now lor. maybe she shud do sth that will make me have a super terrible stomache and release all the stuff out. once and for all. when i went to school. i did my hw on fann's blank worksheet. now im terribly scared she will scold me cos the name and class and everything was corrected. heng i pia then pass it up. goddamnit. if she ever thinks i copied it form my friend. im gonna gather all the wtnesses to prove that i never copy. i hope i dont end up peeing in my pants when i say whatever i need to say to her xD today we went to the field to have teambuilding games. i like the chairostacko thing best. partly becos we won la, (: and also becos 3bee showed their team spirit best there. wAlao u noe actually we were last one nia. then we became first. cos im inside HAHA the beat the head game i played damned lousy cos i have snail response. maybe becos i kept two snails before. the last game was the straw. i tot it was abit last minute plan one haha i though we must like challenge who can pass the most number of rubberbands or sth or do telematch but its just one pass. i saw everysingle thing on maozhu's face. like her pores, her whitehead her black headher mosquito bitla, her mole la... because i was just standing still waiting for her to hook the band. the funnest was really the chair stacking cos we cna move around. i hope our physics rep norine doesnt get bullied MUAHAHAHA Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:47 PM today's test for my love for twobee. i can say i passed with flying colours. i love you so much that i want you all for myself, i dont wanna have every bit of you scattered like rubbish all over. i want you to be full and neverbreakaway from me. i need you so much i feel lost without you i cant survive without you and your love. i need you by my side everyday everynight. i cant stand alone. on the first day of my life that i broke away from your arms, i realised the feeling of emptiness deep in my heart. a hole in my heart. which can never be sewn. yes i saw you almost everywhere. but you seemed so untouchable because you were no longer mine. i feel so distant from you although you might just be by my side. so near yet so far. and hey when a piece of you called me just now to tell me how much u needed me as well, my heart practically melted. so you need me as much as i need you, huh? Sunday, January 01, 2006 3:25 AM MERRY NEW YEAR! I DIDNT MARRY YOU. 3hrs passed in the year 2006,i just came back from leena's chalet. today was well-spent. and from now on, ill make sure my days are all well-spent. went kboxing with twobee and hid under the coffee table. went causeway to cut a tutu hairstyle which in my opinion is a waste of money. went home and managed to make my mom allow me to go for the countdown. and because im a beri jiang yi qi person, i took the train to admiralty to meet a certain assholic hb2 and her tutu sis. i am sucha nice girl! yay met fann janice and ningy at beok at 9.30 SHARP. waited for ahso father which is uncle ahso to fetch us. bbqed food and ate till beng. watch the count on tv for the 10 crucial second. shouted the second. and during the first few minutes of 2006, sprayed crazy ribbons on each other. they bought snow spray . and we turned out having white hair and white spots on our shirts. ningy had a white smiley face at the back of the shirt and hb2's shirt was bleached by me. faboon's cam was dirtied by my crazay ribb. it was really fun, especially when u are with friends. maybe its all tanks to leena's parents, cos if not, we wont be having sucha fun time at aplace thats gonna close down in two days' time. yes, while we are beach-walking, they dared me to go and whistle the bottle right outside someone's tent. and i did it. i even stand outside the opening which had a half naked malay guy there. then a lady from inside shouted "shut up la girl" then i blow a bit more then gave the bottle to janice then she blow/ i think i might dare to do certain things, but when i receive negative comments about it, i will feel stoopid. like why am i doing this. when the girl told me to shut up, i had goosebumps. nvm, marry new year. goodbye 2005 to twobee:i wont forget what u did for me and what i did for you. time to move on i guess, so move, dont stand still, unable to elt go of those memories. lahtough i cant really move too. haha here's my new year resolutions: 1. Do the best in all that i enjoy to do. 2. Run for nats. 3. Top in science. 4. Mkae everyone around me happy. 5. Support whoeevr that needs support if a war happens (: 6. Cheers to life! 7. Treasure my time with 3B 8. Plan twobee outings and chalet!!!!!!! 9. Be Mrs Lee's favourite student. 10. Be who i am and not who you want me to be. (haha all in random order) |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |