Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:36 PM go see my class hoto at the l;inks!!!! 10:41 PM TODAY ROCKS. cos im in it. class partay rox becos im in it!! and becos of the food my mama cooked!! HAHAH our class room is beautifully decorated. i think the most well-decorated one!!!!! retro-istique wooot mooncake!!! we wrapped cellophane paper on the fluorescent bulbs for cool lighting effect! YAY fun part was i managed to do some trg! wee! cos i ran ard grabbing teachers!! yay. i ran thrice to the staffroom. mabbe four time sand i wen tup and down gawd noes how amny times! yay running rocks! and i was a brave girl today cos i went to the container classrooms!!! i even went to 4h by myself!! omomg i am soo pro!! HAHAHA really la, i nv there to step thru that corridor cos both sides can see you. but today. heck la. like i sudenly realsie i am so cute and shuai so dunnid bother heehee aftr sch xiaoxi and jan and i went to kbox. tell u ar, go wif them ebri zi bei one, cos they sing beri well. cos i teach them one.we got k lunch voucher. supposed to end at two but drag until 4.30pm!!! cos as usual, the person miss out one of out delifrance puff. and so we can stay while waiting for it to come!!! fresh. dun feel like blogging. my hands too tired Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:18 PM Most Significant event of the week: The pro emily cried after she lighted a bunsen burner ALL BY HERSELF!!! can u imagine that ?> all by ehrsef, she has nv lighted a bunsen burner or even a kitchen stove by ehr selkf!!1 aww what an accomplishment.. hey fire is really scary ar.. dun play play... i was really phreaging scared... liek scared outta my guts.. nv felt like that before.. my heart really skippeed beats la.. dunno whyy im just born with the fear of fire.. last tiem my house was still using the manual way to boil water on the stove.. but i got too phobiatic cos its just so scary to se that the kettle is whistling and there are smoek and water coming out.. its TERROR. so they switched to electirc kettle. and from them on, life was YAY for mee!!!!! yay! Friday, August 26, 2005 10:47 PM i dunno, mebeb shibin's right eye twitching somehow brought em good luck when i came home. in sch i was pretty sian. kaoz. things just arent farni anymore and i soon realised how blardie lame i was. but ytd was fun, cos i realised how laopo thought of me. and it was really encouraging. then we tok a lot of bull then go play bball. today kenneth was playing that LAME GAME. adn weishuen was farni again... but of cos i am farnier. KAKA has BIG secret wimme. ok la, not big, ahah sth to do with her eyes only. lol and today weiyuan was TERRIBLY FARNI. like he keeps saying "LOL" INT HAT STOOPID ACT INDIAN BUI INDIAN SLANG. make em laff until peng... then he sae " l-o-l" damned farni... amke me laff until cry.. KAOZ... cant stand it!! so i sit. HHAAHAH lame. its really phreaking farni lor... farniest joek of the day. WEIYUAN IS GETTIING FARNIER AND FARNIER.. haiyo i've got lame competitors in the "who is the lamest?" competition. weishuen and wiyuan. but nvm, there are two categories. girls and boys. huahuahuahua but i still hafta to fite with my laopo hee2. but she snot lame. she si farni HAHA so disqualified. YAY!and i din noe that ahhock asshole was so jiang dao li.. becuming more and more like my father. nvm, today is enDARKening. tmr will be nice cos i gonan train bball with ahso!!!! but my back hurts now. Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:12 PM yayeee today my bro taught me nd laopo bball. i din know it was so fun!!! i gonna train harder and not let my bro down!!1 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:11 PM 26.5. 1.5 less and i wud have died. i won't ;let myself fail. but that doesnt mean i will allow myself to get skim past the passing mark. i noe that there are some ppl who might have gotten lower but still, its the fact that i jolly well know myself that i din put in effort. unless u call doing last minute revision on hey math the night before the exam EFFORT. my homework is mostly copied from qimin's . i really regret. it was only after i received the paper that i start to realise that i had no right to feel sad. i had no right to be disappointed either. i can only be angry at myself. wateva. i am gonna pay attention during math lesson from now on. i wun let myself down. this setback will only motivate me to strive for better results. success comes only aftr failure. TADA. motivation!! heehee jump to today during pdp. ah geok keeps insisting that i am an active/practical person when that survey results said i was a scientific/investigative and some of my class mates oso think so. its irritating u noe. like u are telling me who u THINK I AM when im not.haha then when go to the social supportive section i said i wanna b lecturer then weishuen bibi so farni he imtated me walking into the lecture hall and telling the students the bruce lee joke. HAHA so phreaging farni hee3 lol today was so farni. aftr sch xiaoxi and i keesiao again. eveything i sae she say i copy her.. ahab cs we weeeeinto each other's ears . laff until peng ahha Monday, August 22, 2005 9:57 PM heehee the past few days have been fun. ytd i realise that i inherited all my good genes from the father!!!! "If there is a box on the table *throws cigarrette case on coffeeeshop table*, different people will have different ways of picking it up. Some people use their right hand, some use their left hand. Some use their legs, or even their mouth." can u guess the meaning? thats what my papa said. damned meaningful. liek diff people have diff background and we ahve to understand why they do things by their way. diff upbringing, diff mindset, diff thinking. there is always a reason beghind every single movement or action that a person takes. simple or complicated. just think deeper. why is the person doing this? there could be many possibilities , so think that way. never let ur mind lead you into thinking in one direction only. mebbe that person really had his own difficulties which he cannot reveal. you never know. hence , assuming is making an ASS out of U and ME. dun ASSUME why. my bro teach me to play maple. dunno when he gonna start teaching but shud be soon cos he asked me when i wanna traina nd i said anytime. YAY. ahaha Saturday, August 20, 2005 8:19 PM YAYEE. i am soo phreaking happeee today!!!! in the moring ran northern trail, this time the full 10km one. when mr lee told us, i kept asking my self whther i can do it anot.. cos the last tiem i kp stopping. wateva lor. i ask amanda to run with me cos i wanna kp at her pace. then karen joined us too :) so we ran. amazingly i kpet with amanda all the way!!!! YAYEETHEN ont eh returning route we got faster heehee so happy, im back!!!!!!!!!! i have regained some fitness!!! next is go kbox with shibin, qimin, xiaoxi, pearlyn, birdflu, roy, weishuen. szekiat,and yisheng. damned nice. second time i went to kbox!!!! this time i mpore open and dare to sing liao.yay. westlife songs rox lor. but chenhanwei's version of guang huai fang shi really sucks lor. hate him la, i think i oso can sing betta that him lor. kaoz xDthen theres one part where the girls all stand upa nd sing "dang ni gu dan" we shout and scream . then its liek beri united. beri touching. inexplainable feeling, u must b there to feel the atmosphere. the boys sing alot of linkin park song but some are beri nice. weishuen bibi voice suits linkin park's somewhere i belong!!! and sikiat papa voice suits sexy naughty bitchy me... oya then later the boys and pearl left. so left me xiaoxi shitbin and qimin asshole HAHAHA ok fine actually our klunch package supposed to end at 2pm then we drag until 3 then they chase us out xPP,. HAHAH we all gour sing until so shuang lor!!!!yayee. haish this part MUST READ. :DDD on our way to jp, i smsed my bro this, "kor can u teach me bball? cnt then nvm." then he replied, "ok sure" no punctation no nth. BUT I STILL BERI HAPPEEE!!!!! THEN WHEN I REACH HOME MY BRO ASK ME WHY I SUDDENLY WANNA PLAY BBALL. THEN I SAE COS SUDDENLY THE PASSION FOR IT JUST CAME. UNKNOWINGLY LOR. THEN HE SAE ISIT BECOS MY BoyFWEN BBALLER? KAOZ. LIKE I WILL HAVE BF LIDDAT... fien then i sae i swear dun have and if have i will tell him oso (but of cos i wun la) then he sae isit a boy intro, i sae nahh. i mena liek which boys will introduce a sport to a girl?? HAH kor if u are reading this, here are the reasons, -i wanna play bball well so that u will be proud of me -i wanna get to know u better , see how u are really like, thru bball u can trreat me as tudi. mebbe relationship will be betta too. -i wanna make more fwens?(and perhaps change ns perception of us :D) -i wanna play BBALL. eh its not san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4 hor, cos three minutes is long up liao.... okay next happee thing is shibin them bought me a skirt! YAYEE ahah pink one, tmr wearing wif sb. and shibin cried in the changing rm cos her mum din scold her when she told he r that she wanted to buy a skirt. then i wore my bro's jersey. HAH then they sae i look like idoit. dun look liek bballer at all. wateva lor. when my bro trains me ill b more muscular and i will let u all see how pro i am!!!!!!!!!! my bro saes he will bring me to watch him and his godsis play first. YAY Friday, August 19, 2005 9:10 PM YAY. kenneth dun xiang wai. the above staement is not relalted to love, its related to fwenship. :) hah today dunno why we walking along the corridor outside the sci labs then sudeenly shit bin laff until DAMNED siao. i eman damned siao. then i oso laff wif her cos hse laff beri farni. then we both laff until DAMNED siao. then the rest wlak away poretend dunno us . then we see they walk away liek ebri farni then i klp pointing but no strength to tok so just laff until peng!!!1 lyaayee so happee then we run run run then we saw them goin by the fornt of block d so i told b that we go by the back the other staircase to surprise them so we climb to the second storey then we peep our heads out then we saw irene they all then dunno why we laff damned lousdagain. then alff laff laff and crawled up the stairs to thrid flr, then we saw them then we stop outside the toilet there laff until fall down. KAOZ. damned farni.t ehn i cracked a lto fo lame joeks to day HAH TMR GOING K BOX!!!! I GONAN USE THE KIKE TO TELL THE BOYS MY LAME JOKEShahahhaa Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:45 PM OMG OMGOMG!!! today rocks lor... ok today cant move. HAHA walao. fisrt is i need to go staffrroom with pearlyn to do things then its liie suddenyl saw 4k ppl so wanted topass nalan prezzie so pia to class then go find the. then in class yisheng blocking our way then pearl and i scream at him thne we laff n laff and lafff until peng HHAHA. then latr pearl pass to yanrong to pasds to nalan than dunno becos of wat we laff until peng oso. HAHAHHA.. okok then fly to staffrm tok crap one time poage for two teachers. cos i big wat. AHHAHA okok then swim to ummm classroomm then i was laffing ansd creaming over all my lame joeks liek the drowning my sorrows thing and melissa laffing lieka starfish!! HAHAHA. then ok ummm... crawl to canteen. then ipearly tole me abt wat. alot of girls going gaga over ERHEM in our pri sch. then i tot of sth damned farni its like. pearl b boy i be girl. then i bend over her head and sae "GAGA" ahahhahah omg damned farni.. oi to the ppl who havent heard the joke befor enad read it: tmr pls pretend u nv read it here so i can tell you again. HAHHA okok then pearl and i suddenly tok abt BARBIE DOLLS. and our wondafool childhood recollection of dolls and hello kitty masak masak. then we laff and laff until beng HAHAH the rest of them just sit there du diao HAHAHAHA DAMNED farni!!! i hope i have energy to tel all the jokes told today to MROE PPL!!!! hhahaa i damned high now.. Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:29 PM today is a stressful day and i didn't laff much too. com lesson was terrible. and mooncake and i hafta to go for some talk at fort canning. yes yes i noe im pro, dun hafta tell me i oso noe. okay. no link. assemble was damned farni. dalaopo's video in action was shown to the whole sch. nice ya. stand there expressionless blowing bubble. HAHA bet iron is jealous that laopo is famous overnight!!! HAHAHAH . lol when was the part i laffed. and slammed mosquitoes? oya, when i turned ard to tok to xiaoxi but saw no one cos she was sitting down. kaoz. then we laff until peng!!! HEEHEE damned farni HHAHA. OKAY FINE. ACT IS NOT FARNI LA. haha. THEN BECOS THE NICE QIMIN WAnted to rush home to mug for math, i had to run to the canteen to buy snacks and make it bk to class BEFORE them. nvm, i beri nice one. math revision will commence at 8pm tonite! note: no textbooks at all! only zjh's notes! and worksheets with no corrections done. YAY. lets PALM. THINGS TO DO TMR.: ask that blardie ys and ARRR kah how to get our physics files. dumb assholes. get the cher dae dedi DONE. get the class aprtay done. ask laopo and jo to get the class tee rolling!!!! sent out the invitaions. OH SHIEEET. I FORGOT TO ENTER THE NIL ENTRY INTO THE MANAGEMENT DIARY. OH FK. wateva lor. at most ah geok throw her mole at me only me mah... Sunday, August 14, 2005 1:54 PM todae is my bdae yay. ahah not sae beri happee ltr go home mux cut the cakeiscared beri paiseh sia. HAH than daddie is gonna give me money!!!! ytd norhtern trail so disappoitned with my self!!1 stopped four times and was telling people good morning alone. next week im gonna complete it without stopping and kp to amanda's pace!! and then aftr trng the crossers surprised me by jumping out of the bushes at the macritchie carpark. i feel so touched(touches myself) HAHAH ok im lame. btu i still rock i am sooo super pro. yayaeee im oso beri touched by fann's essay!!! heehee tankew!!! i pledge to continue being pro and continue to give joy and hope to ppl ard me!!1 i noe i am loved!!! HAHAHAHAHA. and i will continue to bring people laffter with my lame jokes. eh my jokes mebbe lame, but they can walk one hor... HAA lame. buhby. i rock im so pro weeeee. Friday, August 12, 2005 9:58 PM today hmmmm quite interesting. pinched nalan's cheeks. cos she pinched mine ||| HAHA but dunno why feels good to eb pinched. i fewlt as though im a 6 yr old kid again. HAHA the clas is in a mess and ah geok kps tellign me to hushs them down. soemtime si just wan thenm to have fun!!! last yr together. so lets not bother abt the noise. but soemtiems it really gets on ppl's nerves. cid we gonan change to make soaps!!!!! i rock sian this few days no one coems to knock knock here Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:41 PM today was quite siao with laopo during math reedial.. HAHA it all started when our hokkien oput of tune. HAH then become wayang. waa jiuuuuuu shi HAHAAHHA lol damned fanri. laff until peng then when i just nice peng on shi bin and papa's tabel then zeng jiahui saw.. die liao.. die liao then i fastre get upa nd do my work.. then laff under my breath HEE ahaha then eunice became jackpot then i watch her laff until she peng!!!! HAHAH i hope she doesn't become a bitch. (: i still don't believe the others. i dowanna believe them. so prove to me that u are not like that!!! Tuesday, August 09, 2005 10:12 PM TMR GONNA RUN !!!!! YAYEE. OMG IM REALLY EXCITED. HAVEN'T RAN FOR YEARS MANN.. HAPPEE BDAE TO MY DARLING SWEETIE CUTIE PIE SINGAPORE DEAR DEAR!!! AND TO MR LKY: I LOVE YOU LOTS.. MUST TAKE CARE!!! I SEE U ARE GROWING BALD LE.. DUNID TO WORRY TO MUCH COS WITH ME IN SINGAPORE, NO TERRORIST WILL DARE TO INVADE US!!! =DD 8:12 PM today i cried when i told my mother about THEM. in public. yes tankew. i know i rock dunnid to tell me i oso noe ahah. i have every right to expose you guys, but i didn't, i feell the strong urge and desire to rat on u guys. i know it will cause alot of shattered friendships. but u tell me, how am i going to take htis lying down. my mum keeps telling me to close one eye and mebbe close one and a half eyes. i told her that its precisely becos practically everyone in the world closes either one of their eyes that people who do dishonest deeds get away with what they have done. whne pearlyn told me the awful truth i was like FUCK. if god let me know of the truth, i think he wants me to do something abt it. I SWEAR IM GONNA BEAT YOU AT MECHATRONICS mebbe it wasn't at all that bad. Sunday, August 07, 2005 8:22 PM today liao liao went out to shop for red tees. we missed xiaoxi!!! wish u were here. haha and lizib got a new haircut . nice. hehee . then at imm changing room, janice chest hair odour called the pro emily.. hehe she ask me whther wanna go kbox with her. heehee she sae she only got one coupon so ask me cos xx call fy HAHA yayee, i dunno why but i just beri i beri scared ppl will laff at wat im wearing to sch tmr sia. Saturday, August 06, 2005 5:19 PM ![]() 4:41 PM today was fun. cos im in it. HAHA we went to sch for Athletics GM joanna is track captain. omg im dam happee for her. cos she is a good leader!!!heehee and mr tan praised me. HEEHEE its like ive been dreaming that someday mr tan woud praise me and it really did happen. omg i have sixth sense. actually i already have sixth sense la. so i have seventh sense!!!!! HAHA jealous than sae.hmk is piling up tests are approaching, chemistry is screwing up. i really dunno wat i will do if i don't get a1 for chem. i wanna try hard but some times i dun have the motivation. nvm im gonna concentrate abt the things i have to do. many things i have to do. do sheety shinese revision. math revision on the nite before math test. geogh revision.!!!!!!!!!!! :) chemistry revision. am i ever gonna make it? or will physics remain my niche forever. come up with many many nice ideas for the invitation cardsFOR MY FRIENDS BIRTHDAY elit revision day before elit test. GET INTO CROSS TEAM. i wanna run and get top 20 Thursday, August 04, 2005 9:29 PM TODAY'S MOST SIGNIFICANT IS THAT THE PRO EMILY DROOLED BIG TIME ON THE AMC QUESTION PAPER WHIL;ST SLEEPING!!!! yippeee. so cool. firx was i was just slping on my hands then suddenly i feel water dripping frm my mouth, then i woke up abit.. then on the question paper got a blot of saliva. fine i went bk to slp and continued drooling. i mean, drooling is nice HAHA.. no la , i slp for half hour!!!! yay so energized! in the canteen that time, laff until peng . then pearl and jo kept on turning awae. i mean its really farni mah. ok so its not VERY farni but a lil bit farni gives me a good excuse to LET IT ALL OUT. muahahahahaha oya sb's new way of laffing is MU hahahahaha Wednesday, August 03, 2005 9:37 PM OYA MR SOH APPROVED OF MY MECHATRONICS IDEA STRAIGHTAWAY!!! MEANS AH FANG AND I CAN START PLANNING DESIGN LE!!! YIPEEE 9:09 PM HAAH to day i damned siao.. tanks to sheetbin's ruhua thingy... got me styarted during comp lesson, then soon she becum ruhu ai becum ru cao... then we go ard the sch doing stoopid things then qimin down there du diao us..HAHA we wne t to hug the pillar liek bimbo.. HAHA we take like 10 mins to go form comp lab to class.. mebeb more. AHAH today rawks cos i laff alot. WEEEEE during elit drama tisation, the pro emily was backstage crew!! hehew wen i saw fann, i laff until peng lor. dun believ ask pearl. HAHA. stoopid babi... so farni mux b i teach de.. HAHA then the last part i carry the last table off the stage, yitong said she saw me scurrying off the side ther. so paiseh HAHA heck. I ROCK. DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO.. i gonna sing this song to ppl tmr!!! - who's the best ah geok ah geok oh who's the best ah geok ah geok... im lying !! ah geok thebest HAHA QIMIN SAID IT WAS FARNI. Tuesday, August 02, 2005 8:03 PM hey, I BROUGHT THE MANAGEMENT DIARY HOME AH GEOK IS SO GONNA THROW HER MOLE AT ME TMR LOR. NVM, I FLATTEN IT FIRX THEN STICK BACK ON HER FOREHEAD. i hate today. wasted day. i din make good use of it. unless u count decorating our cross diary. i din laff hard AT ALL. fishh i find no motivation to laff, even when i tell my lame joke HAHA. cos everybody noe imlam eliao HAHA. like today when i told cross the china tourist joke, they all diaow me and walk away. except fann and jan and jade HAHA. ok fine. in the first place, wasnt even a joke. it was AN EXCUSE TO LAFF. during lesson when laopo and i play to hard, we need to stifle our laffter. then when the teacher cracksa joke, we let it all loud and laff louder then the rest then while laffing ill sae good excue to laff, good excuse to laff HEEEHEEE. hey, I BROUGHT THE MANAGEMENT DIARY HOME Monday, August 01, 2005 9:04 PM today in the canteen... HAISHH... dowan to sae.. dam shuang.. laff until beng like hell1!!!!! this mayb the time when i laff the hardest lor.. laffing at my own jokes and my tablemates were laffing becos i laff beri farni, not becos the joke was farni. ok, in the firx palce the thing wasn't even a joke xP hehe i think tan wan ting and zeng jiahui like me!!! yayeee. ahah cos they noe my name ||| TAKE MY QUIZ!!! ON COMMON SENSE!!! |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
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