Saturday, July 30, 2005 5:34 PM omgomg im soo happeeee!!!! heng todae i go for dsa lehh!!!! i edit post wanna elaborate the whole story. ok, when we leaving the compound, we saw pandan papa's motorcycle then i decided to write sth for him so ahso and i went back into the sch then amanda and nx went to the bustop to wait for us. then i hurry huirry scribble " mr pandian we will miss ur track trgs" and " tankew for trg us" on two post its and stuck it on hiS side mirrors. KB!!! THEN GOT THUNDER then ahso and i beri scraed then we run run then halfway rain cats and dogs!!!! sheety ass!!!!! soak liek sheet then we saw two sec one boys under an umbrella so we run to them then they run away then i sae they ungrateful(oso dunno why) hen they stop and let us in!!! heehee then i was putting my arms ard this small boy.. kaoz he dam lucky lor. he's gonna be blessed for the rest of his life man, pro put hands on his shoulders.. fine then got umbrella as good as no umbrella so i ask lena to run when we saw the bus stop.. then the boys oso run ||| dunno why... HAHA mux b tot got crocodile behind sia.. then amanda and nx waiting there. then ahaso and i like duck lor... someone said wat erm if we din o and write that note for pandan papa wudn't have gotten drenched. but then again, just now hendy tole me pandan papa saw it and he put it back on the mirror and said hes gonna look at it when he drives. for all that he has done. trained a bunch of undiscipli8ned young ones. made us from unpro to pro.scolded us for OUR own good. put in his best effort in bringing out the best in us. told us to shine like stars in one way or another. showered us with lots of love, care and concern. disciplined us. made us united. created laffter and an excellent training anvironment. writing two post its and getting soaked in rain was nothing compared to that. :) our love and our respect for u will nv change. if doing the simplest things can bring a big smile to someone's face and make that person feel special and loved, i would like that to be my job and my goal. to bring smiles to people's lifes. oya lemme bhb awhile can??? xD my class mate junjie wrote this in his elit relfection : emily never fails to brings smile to the grpoupd when we are frustrated oevr soem discussions." and thats how simple things that people do brings smile AND screams AND tons of crazee laffter to me! tanks junjie. that sentence brightened up my day. and made me go ard the sch with ur paper too. :D Friday, July 29, 2005 9:37 PM depression. die liao. damned blardie pissed at myself. dunno why oso.just dun fl good abt myself. LIKE. WHY AM I BORN LIDDAT? I JUST DUN UNDERSTAND. I Am an UGLY FAGGOT. YEAH I NOE. there s chemistry test on mondae. and here i am now. on the comp. for nuthin. when no one special is gonna chat wif me or waat. as if HE will. he doesn't even NOE me. fine. yeps. life's just gonna go aon. an di have to be the one to decide for myself whether i wanna be the bets or the worst. i wanna top the class for chem. i dun give a damn. nth's gonna stop me now.. impossible is only when u do nothing to achieve ur goal. but im gonna do something. so my goal isin't impossible. YES! if i think i can do it then i can do it!!!!my future is in my hands. i have a choice. i am givenm a chance, to paint my life with wonderful wonderful colours. make it a beautiful as the rainbow. and im gonna do just that. Don't tell me what i can't do. 'cos if i love what i am doing, i will definitely be successful. Thursday, July 28, 2005 7:21 PM HAHATODDAY IS SOOOO SOOO SOOO FUN!!! becos i laffed a lot and i mean alot!!!! EVERYWHWRE I GO, I ASK PPL WHTHER I GOT TELL THEM THE BRUCE LEE JOKE ANOT.. AHHA TMR I WANAN TELL THE school LIAO.. its realli not funny but i still laff la, ok so i laff at my own jokes but i think its quite farni lor...tmr i wanna tell people le HAHA. tmr gonna play hide and sick HAHAHA yayeee so fun... but next week gonna have two tests... hehe hershey chocalate kisses chocolate rocks aha but cookies and cream nicer omg.. i addicted liao die.. Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:27 PM WAKAKA! today a guy tried to ask for pearlyn's number!!!!!! xDDD LOOKS LIKE PEARLYN HAS ATTRACTIVE FORCE HUH??? haha woooooots. but she said no before the fellow even finish his sentence. Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:00 PM today wa uhhh... no comments k.act mo wanwan is beri nice de.. but she got ap lian.. ok la dun sae her, i oso have. HOR AH GEOK? FINE FINE! can i sae sth??? i scared ltr the teachers seee. nvm.. see so wat... sch life without ah geok and h20, ROCKS LIKE SHEET!!!! omg omg!!!!! i really can't stand them... h2o reminds me of LLM now.. and act llm is quite nice. cos she teaches physics. OKOK I READ LAOPO'S BLOG.. SHE WROTE ABT THE BBALL MATCH haha . i forgot all abt it.... lol but i wanna sae they rv really cheng until end.. and star player was boon boon!! i mean like DUHHH... boon society leh.. he mascot lor... boon bros rawk.. cos im from boon society HAHA... BUT I REALLY THINK THEY BERI PRO.. aftr seeing unity polay, i really tot i had taught them. cos they are so pro... 4 out of 5 main players for delasalle HAHA.but all not limpei's fwens. zi lie dam farni lor he get the ball liao, will kp smiling and showing his teeth. looks alot like lennon too. i think unity12 sux... dun ask me why... and if neone frm unity come here... then too bad lar. i think he act dao bui dao.. unlike me.. i dun act dao oso dao. RITE AH GEOK??? . somemore is dao until ap. RITE AHGEOK? okok bk to the topic. let ah geok paint her mole hotpink for all i care. okok. wheneva ahboon got the ball, i will pray for him. becos boon society mahh. HHAA. THEN HE REALLY JING LOR! we gave all of them nicknames. like rong momo, ah boon/boon boon, ah hock, SHIBIN(#12) haha, blar. forgot the rest. and dowanna name too xP. THEN THE MATCH BERI HIONG LOR. the lasalle laksa kids are so big now!!! oya i saw a pri sch fwen. he has a moustache. HAHA. ok, ummm. can i sae sth? if he has a moustache at sec 2, then he sec 4 go wat? BEARD AR? or facial hair HAHA.. today we went to kampong glam wich is darn boring, i was imitating the water droplet! HAHHA.. OKOK FINE. oya i think when i rock that time i hit chacha's head rite HAHA. AIYA BORING LAR TODAY. I THINK TMR WILL BE WORST AND NOT TO MENTION I HAVE NOT DONE MY SHEETY SHINESE HMK!!!! but today, NNP was together!!! oh beautiful release!!!!!! lalalala... sorri too engrossed in song laio.. my voice dam nice one. xP oya, and XX an di laff liek dunno wat sheet lor. go see our pic.. act is becos xx laff beri farni then i laff. and when i laff, she will laff more. so yar. two si gina lor. here's a chemical equation emily+xiaoxi=noise pollution ehh beri lame lehh OOPS haha suddenly think i am damned lame. HOW HOW? forget it. szekiat is lame and he is my papa, therefore i have inherited his lame genes. TADA. OMGOMG!!!!!!!!! I JUST TOT OF STH!!! SHEET LA! I RAWK SO MUCH!!! I AM SOO SHUAI AND CUTE AND NICE! HOW! haha okok. i rock *rocks back and forth* finish. limpei sian liao. no one sms me, haha. sometimes when u receive sms from fwent to chat its really beri nice. but too bad my bill bao zha.. act ar alot of p[pl wanna sms me de, but is becos they care for me, scared my inbox flooded, so they dowan to fan me.. HAHA okok. am i really beri bhb? i doubt so. cos all these are FACTS. tankew tankew!!! haha Monday, July 25, 2005 9:25 PM OMG! OMG!!! I ROCK! TODAY ROCKS LIKE DUNNO WAT! I LOVE TO YAM SENG!!! HAHA AND I LOVE TO RUN ARD SCHOOL!!!!! today was like uhhh betta than i tot it was la duhh... i tot we were gonna sit down and listen to ah ****'s crab. and see her mole vibrate. haishh... too ba di dun have as big a mole as hers.. if not i can entertain myself by painting my mole a diffierent colour each dae.. i mean they din stae any rule that no painting of moles is allowDED wat. ahhaa today when chewee told mooncake and i to be ceo i tot i can die lor, i mean i am alwaes afraid that i will lead the class in the worng direction ever since the nightmare on team-building day |: heh. HENG. got the scs to help if not i will die!!!!sometimes i think im betta off as a table. i mena a REAL table.. preferably (deleted this in 2012) table. cos she is so PHREAKING pro and cute and shuai and nice!!!! omg!!! emilee rawks my world la... haha okok so we set off to play yue qiu HAHA its beri fun!!!! i love it!! we ffirx to finish lor.!!! then later xx michelle renbina nd i went to play card castle!! and we first to finish. and SOEM ppl hor, SOME ppl, jealous we faster than them.. try to erhem here erhem there wanna blow our structure HAHA. HMMM... SPOT THE PATTERN.. BOTH GAMES OSO WE FIRX TO FINISH.. cos im in it!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHA JKJK.. team work damned impt.. emly oso beri impt. then ummm... we run here run there help yanting them complete the puzzle. haha then still got wat ar. oya we play traffic jam again. xDD conclusion I LOVE 2B!!! we were so united we yam sendg in the canteen then kena taken by chow ban heng!!!! so coool rite!!! then the whole sch saw our pic!!!! YAYEE! mebbe i shud have dun some cool pose. but then again, emilee is cool even when she does nth. HAHA okok lurve ya!!!! 2b!!!! omg we gonna part beri soon.... sheet la!!!!i dunno how much i will cry.. mebbe enuff tears to flucsh the toilet bowl once.. oso good la, can save water haishh.. dun wanna tink abt it now. 2b rocks my life. now then i know how much u all mean to me. no wonder ppl sae that u will nv noe how much u love something unless u lose it. so treasure it firx. and yes, i am treasuring two b and all my good fwens in it. Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:12 PM take my quiz!!! HAHA Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:33 PM haven been on for a long time.. i think alot of ppl missed me. llike duhhh... HAHA okok enuff of the bhb ness. ya im actualli quite happe that i became the table of twob. cos i really wanna do sth for them in the last few months in the past TWO days, i have been BLACKLISTED BY THE FOLLOWING TEACHERS: 1.ah geok 2.miss ong 3.miss zeng!!! i cant believe it!!!!! 4.miss marie. yeah ie ven blacklisted myself in the past two days, i have been WHITE LISTED BY THE FOLLOWING TEACHERS: 1.MDM CHIA!!!!!!! yay!!!!! yay!!! 2.tan wan ting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! 3.miss lim!!!!!!UBER YAYA!!!!!!! i whitelisted myself too. basically, ah geok spoke to me in private becos according to her i couldn't "hide what i was thing" and my face "really shows what im thinking in my head" and that the looks i gave her really "gives her goose bumps" and according to her "its very bad if a teacher gets goosebumps". yeah. her whole point is summed up in like 100 words .. i noe my summary skills beri pro. wateva.. i myself noe that NONE of the above is true and there fore i have the rite to rebut. so i tok bakc lor. i said "mrs tan, as u are sayign all these to me, do you know that i do not feel guilty becos that is the way i look and i really do not have any thoughts in my head?" HAHA oya i oso told her that i have been hearing her tok bad abt her pupils in other classes. wateva la i think i really gave her a bad impression. i just hope she wun sack me. now for miss ong.. i dunno. i know it is my fault but i didn't think she is so STRICT as to tok to me and laopo in private just becos i din ask her before i could go to the toilet.. i got signal to her,.. fine i shun treat her as mr soh.. mr soh is the best!!! miss ong reminds me of LLM. she definitely will mark on me as for the whitelist... i think they whitelist me becos they smile at me???? HAHAHA ok chia ai ling smile at me alot of times. becos im lame... i say lame things during her classsss. but she rawks! so i ASSUME she whitelist me. and tan wan ting noes my name!!!!!!! OMG i cannot wait to tell MORE ppl about my second, third and fourth names!!!! Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:49 PM we trained in the rain. rhymes hor ahah we really train in the rain . heavy rain somemore.. but not thunderstorm la, if not mondae got bao gong go 2b classroom. bao gong with einstein hairdo... rain 2 sets of 400m. at first hor is pandan papa sae if we can do one set 72 secs and under then we dunnid to do another one liao.. then i ran with amanda asshole and ahso.. they run damned fast la. 68 and 69 respectively.. i ran just nice 72 ahha my new dastest 400m timing.. i noe its still beri slow la.. ok fine.. then he sae i still need to do one more...then i, the pro, negotiated with him then he sae now do 80secs pace so fine la, i ran with chrislyn then chris kena blocked by handy, she run here, he run here, she go there, he go there.. until she get 74 secs. i get 75 secs NAnanana handy lar! HAHA MONDAY morning we gonna train easy =DD YAYEE TMR gonna meet LIAOZ LIAOZ. haha i beri guai lor, i keep piaing chemistry. its becos i love science thats y, but i do not like chem, i like physics. but i just feel a strange affinity with it xD so pia !!!!but beri difficult to memorise everything. nvm, as long as under stand can le DUMDIDUM, MY INTERNET STILL NOT CONNECTING!!!! fine, the pro emily has decided to tell u about her dream last night.. its DARN interesting. i dreamt i held hands with my first crush. HAHA. IN FRONT OF PARENTS WE ACT LOVEY-DOVEY! darn farni aiya, but i was smiling in my sleep HEHE. okok then haifway hor, the whole sweet scenery become me biting and chewing something.. then i suddenly chewed something hard so i spit out, then its my teeth lar.. then the shape is like those perfect tooth u noe, that kind got four legs de. the got one small hole at the side of the teeth with A TINY BLOT OF BLOOD. that seems to be hard. other then that no blood liao.. cool hor, then i keep smiling oso la, then i lick the hole between the teeth until beri shung, really tot i drop the teeth lor, but actually in real life, the hole is caused by my own extracted tooth la. walao eh, the internet one hour oso cannot connect lor. fish. oya i was reading this bloody book about biology and then they show alot of pictures taekn during surgery darn interESTING!!!! they even show the heart and all the fatty fatty things!!!! then they show the skin of ppl with skin problems but the best parts are the surgery procedures IWTH PICTURES!!! cos they show the real flesh.. and the chest kena cut up.. i feel pain for them la, then hor when i saw the stitches in the heart i was asking my self whether after sugery they will feel that their heart there abit itchy itchy one... HAH BUT THEY SAY THE STITCHES WILL DISSOLVE IN THE BODY!!! darn cool rite.. i feel so inspired to be a doctor suddenly and save lives!!! Friday, July 15, 2005 9:18 PM i dunno wat i am feeling now. mebbe im just a small fry. no, i am a big steam. wateva la, today two chinese bitches purposely go and irritaate shibina dn i.. fish em la, tink i dunno she purposely sigh so damn fking loud behind us... act chio bui chio. tink we nerd ar.. who ask u cut ur hair until like porcupine and babaoon butt liddat. purpose is to attract ppl attention rite.. si gina. Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:11 PM >>>>AUGUST: Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and >>>>fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console >>>>others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. >>>>Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry >>>>when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. >>>>Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be >>>>led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. >>>>Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. >>>>Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. >>>>Loves to make friends . _________________________________ YAY. i got into finals!!!! HAHA now i wanna aim for top eight so can earn at least one point for rv. Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:53 PM im gonna do it Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:17 PM i like today alot.. it may be my best trg.. we went to support the people who were running!! cos we are nice duhhh ok la.. actualli is we wanna go for trg.. the boys run dam fast lar.. if i not wrong almost all got into semis bah. after seeing tehm run i really think i had taught them before cos they seem so pro.. man i have countless disciples la.... all the pro ppl ! HAHA.. okok then we laff until keith teo teo come and ask us to keep quiet. ok if liddat loud.. and that is like my minimum level liao.. then tat time janice, fanna nd i laff in the canteen aftr speech dae rehearsal.. is almost maximum... NAnanananananananaanna... lol means that time was SUPER LOUD LA. kaoz sheety ass the internet is still not connecting and im smart enough to save this post first. okok then we crap crap until trg .. wondafool i think today we all beri motivated. =D i think becos im there thats why.haha okok.. cm, nx, jadey fanna nd i discovered a new way to sneak into the competition area, but provided u must have ERHEM, GOOD FIGURE like us!!!! xD hahaa okok then we start the first set of 400m, fann pia beri fast so i follow her lor. then as usual at the curve i speed up cos i LOVE curves to cheese bits!okok then i did my fastest 400m ever AHAHA 73 secs!!! but dam slow still i noe dunnid tell me k.. then i was chao motivated to do another set la. so second set which is oso last set, i follow fann again, then later we ran together then i think we both speed up =D. then the curve i speed up then this time i do a 75.9. which is a 76 HAHA. then later we took picture with pandan papa!!! aftr today's trg i think i have a bit more confidence =D Monday, July 11, 2005 8:24 PM overestimation, yes, overestimation Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:17 PM aftr i read faNN's tags i am beir touched to have such a friend =DD tankew.. aftr nats we are gonna play liek sioa gina, mebbe worse !!! i read a blog and i really tot i wanna do it.. the worst thing that can happen to someone is not to realise their true potential.. i will not let that happen to me, i really reeeally wanan strive for the best results and shine like a star. enter finals... i love running and i believe that if i love what i am doin i will definitely be successful! no struggle no progress. one more trg before i can perform!!! go gog o emily!!! you are SO gonan do it!!rite?? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! DARE ME TO SHOUT YES IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS NOW!! ok.. I JUST DID IT!!! OMFG I RAWK!!!!! I SHOUTED YES!!!! THEN MY DAD ASK ME WHAT HAPPEN1!!! LOL!!!!!!!!11111111111 Saturday, July 09, 2005 8:03 PM i dunno leh... but i suddenly think that i can't do well for my 800m. kaoz. i am gonna miss lots and lotsa lessons.. and i have a test on maths... fri day lehh Friday, July 08, 2005 9:50 PM PLEASE DUN TELL ME THAT I AM FALLING IN LOVE. DUN TELL ME THAT OK. today all our relay teams qualify for finals!!!! YAYEE. so that gives me mroe reasons to perform on thurs!!!!! i just motivated nx today and ended up feeling MORE motivated myself xD pro rite pro rite.. duhhh short post cos the pro is getting lazzee Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:55 PM exciting day! we went to see leena ahso, chrislyn and amanda race 3000m heats. and they ALL got in. pro rite??? HAHA cos i teach one mahh.. okok.. they did beri well dam proud of them.. i think pandan papoa is too...we scream until no voice liao.. tmr got 4x100, i reserve with janice, go there zuo bo.HEEHEE but i still wanna go la. hehe today we did something darn freaky but cool. we went to boys toilet to change then ask lirui, hendy, minzhang and kuanlong guard outside HAHA they we faster speed mass change in the cubicle somemore went to pee HAHA. we scared got ppl come in darn farni la. tanks guys! then late late at ard 7.16pm, we had trg. one set 600 and 300 my 600m personal best=2.03! but still beri lan i noe dunnid to tell me xD really really.then the 300m is kanasai la. 60 secs. kb HAHAHAHA. pandan papa says must run heats as finals!!! x_x but im gonna aim for 2.35.. means my last 200m must be fast liek dunno what sheet la heh but ill still try cos i rawk mah.tmr can leave sch at 12 YAY ahhaha newae go sch oso zuo bo rite. i must learn to control my anger and excitement. Wednesday, July 06, 2005 6:41 PM i love today!!!!! becos fann, jan an di laff like keesiao in the canteen. qimin and shibin said we were DAM loud la.. HAHAH BUT ITS SOOO COOL. we were laffing over a kungfu and a gun HAHAHAHA. aiya as long as dam farni can liao la. then during assembly that time, if you got hear one dam loud laffter when the guy was skipping across the stage with his toot bag, ITS ME. Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:55 PM dumdidumdidumdidumdumdum.. cd spoil... OK LAME. ahhaa today we had trg... =) we picked the 4 by 4 team liao. actualli pandan papa wanted to do another trial but since the rest dowan then dowan lor.. but actualli i wanna join the team one. nvm la, the best have already been chosen and i shall just concentrate on my 800m. oya i got new vulgar word. nin lao hia eh. hahhahahah nice rite??? lol oya. tell you abt the charity thingy, me and my parents tot that 1900 112 6888 is the 5 dollar hotline. so they ask me to call .. total thrice.. then i went to slp liao. the next day, my fwens tell me that that was the 40 dollars hotlkine and i was goddamn fking shocked la.. 120 lehhh... nvm, i went home and tell my parents then i dam scared they scold limpei. they sit and laff somemore. then my father say dun win the car then dun pay lor. HAHA then they said that after i went to bed, they made five more calls so total is $320. wat sheet la. can buy an ipod lor... suay like dunno what... nvm, for charity.. my father somemore say,"It's God's Will." Pro rite? of cos waht... pro's limpei lehh limpei's limpei Sunday, July 03, 2005 8:56 PM tmr.. i think well be doing erm... 600,300 and 600 again??? thats not good, but after that day's review i decided that our trg is like beir slack liaoz. ok la, not slack but lenient.. i dowanna play a fool doing stretches liao i dowanna do the hip lift until fall aslp liao!!! i wun lie on the grass after i completed all my sets ok zj???? wats wrong with doin that anyway???? OKOK... errrr. i will do whatever i have to do, to the best of my ability, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. we need discipline. im gonna keep my mind focused on the goal. like what xy said, we dun just run for the sake of running, then go to the battlefield unprepared. i dowanna stare at the results and start regretting like sheet k. i wanna train herat now and hope thta i really really get under 2.40 and enetr final. yeah i said that under 2.40 although i highly doubt i can do that. i will never give up. i will keep my mind and soul focused oin the Goal. yeah,.. im gonna do it. SO gonna do it. PUMP!!! i will not disappoint my dearest darling pandan pap. now i really love him. it is really not easy to lead a bunch of uhhhh... carrots. we need ta understand him. yeah, my papa rawks, and becos of my love for him x), i will not give up. i must make him rmb my god damn pro name- EMILY. i even want him to remember my middle name MARIE k. fann sae i am good at catching up =D. YAY. so i shall improve on that!! HAHA AND MY LAST 100M TOO. I SUCK AT THAT.. im gonna TURN REALITY INTO MY DREAM. 8:09 PM HAHA today was darn farni!!! and fun qimin shibin and xx supposed to come my house for meeting at 2.30. then 2.30received sms from xx telling me she not coming. and to think shibin and qimin were still waiting for her at the mrt... walao ehh... soemtime si dunno whats up with you!!! anywae... since she coudn't make it... the three pros had a ball of a time playing !!! ahaha. we were shooting videos!!!! ahha got one dam farni... qimin take us jump haiflway then she pause then take a gain when we reach the ground at lim bang park... its darn nice,, tmr i goonna show off to the crossers.. qimnin's pro photography skills... i teach one mahh... HAHA... then we shoot in the playground oso darn kiddie lor.. ahha tmr we gonna do hw together tmr i have trg tooo... im not gonna slack liao |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |