Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:20 PM i am such a slacker. i din run 2 sets of 400m becos of so many reasons, some i cannot divulge here. first, its my calf, then, its my right thigh. all on right leg. DARLING RIGHT LEG. WTH ?? hohoho. ok, it was ok after i skipped the third set and i SWORE i can run the last set, but i din. i PON. i noe u wann asae im pro and jian. but this time im not la. i am so blardy freaking hell disapointed in myself . guilt ridden! haa.i just sat down and continue stretching my right thigh. i was closing my eyes and i kept asking myself why am i doing this. not running, why am i PONING. but i got no answer . i have broken my pandan papa's heart. "i always believed you could do it." "why did you give up?" pandan papa's words just kept replaying in my mind over and over again. yea, thats how much i LOVE him. haha . jkjk. action speaks louder than words although the pen is mightier than the sword. after i heard that we doing 150m x 3 later. i dam shuang liao. then fann and i were saying the i am god thingy. actualli everybody can be a god, becos he or she is so special and precious, we can do things that others don't. surely there's something. reez is cool!!!1 cos i teach her one mah, she's like 18 and from brunei. BUT she's a child at heart. she said we were wise kids. cos we kept on saying motivational phrases. HAHa. ok. so her starting position is darn pro la. i was rather inspired by her so when i was abt to start the last set, i did a SUPERMAN pose. pro rite???? duhhhhh. if you sae no, you are JEALOUS!!!! ahahahhahaaha jealousy jealousy!!!!!! okok. i rawk. continue. on the bus, i was showing them how to act baichi at the starting line of a race. if people say, " ta ma de baichi" then u sae, "wo shi wo die de baichi" OR "u jealous isit?" OR "guan ni pi shi" OR "NI GEI WO JI ZHU" OR "xian zai cai zhi dao ar?... BAICHI" OR " nin na eh" (fann teach one xD) OR "wanna fite ar? come la, think limpei scared isit?" HAHA. ok not farni. everyone nv laff la duhh. then i sae," i noe inside ur hearts, u all must be thinking-OMG EMILY IS SO DARN FARNI!" THEN AMANDA LAFF. haha haha next tiem i show u!!!! tmr!!! omg, i think tonite is another nite where i will lie in my bed and do those stupid jokes to PRACTICE. then i will laff until peng, then i will hafta waste energy and sheet to go toilet pangsai, cos too excited liao. omg, im having butterflies in tummy liao!!!! life is SO interesting! especially with me around!!! x)) HAHAHA ok. ltr at jec, we all kena poach by those ppl who sell stuffx la, then this guy apporached us, then i keep sayign sorry sorry sorry then walk away. then we saw nx kena poached. so of cos, we are so jiang yi qi rite, then we darn good la, we nv ge an guan huo. we BA DAO XIANG ZHU. ( i beri cheema nd pro hor?) okok, then fann sae," nx, go liao, go laio" then i say," dun let the pro wait" then later theat freaky yucky yucky sissified moronic toasted asshole slutty bitchy YALAM faggot shouted "RV KIDS ARE SO RUDE!" fish!!!!!!!! FISH!!!!! FISH U. PLS GO CATCH SOME FISH AND STUFF EM IN UR MOUTH SO THAT UR THROAT WILL NO LONGER BE DRY AND U WILL NO LONGER FIND THE desire AND urge TO SPOUT NONSENSICAL AND GIBBERISH STUFF! SIMPLE. SHUTTTTT UP U BITCHY SLUTTY ASSHOLE . cos the pro is meditating!!! HAHAHA OKOK. OH I JUST REMEBERED SOMETHING calling someone stoopid doesn't make you any smarter. calling someone a ************************* doesn't make u any proer. what u gotta do is to face the problem in front of you. in the end we jsut glared at her la. this is wat i wanna tell her 1) do you think that by shouting at us for no blardie good reason we will go back to you? 2)do u think u are the one who's rude for shouting at us for no blardie good reason? 3)do you know that we are actually good samaritans. we are helping u to saev ur breath becos we know that no matter how much u talk, we will not purchase or donate to you. and if we DO listen to you and end up telling u that we are not interested, wouldn't u be EVEN more pissed. hvaing wasted ur breath and effort.??? omg, u are so fishing naive!!! (oops-calling ppl naive does not make u ne matured) 4)do you noe that we are really rushing for time. open ur damned eyes big. its 6.30. do you god damn think its still early in the mornign where we have lotsa time to spend. u really dunno what is the meaning of the theory THERE'S A REASON BEHIND EVERYTHING OK ENUFF ENUFF i am suddenly reminded of that 2c guy who refuses to believe his eyes that there is actaully enuff space for his big fat ass to squeeze thru huixian and i were dragging the garbage bag down the staris and it tore at the second floor. then all the newspaper come out. then peeshee and ahso help us pick up. and that 2c guy just stand there liek atoot nv even bother to help la. still sae wat hurry up , he wanna get thru. talk about being a gentle man. neways i told him off in shinese " u cannot see that there is enuff space at the corner meh? and there is ANOTHER staircase in case u dunno" okay the three most important things in life is first to be kind second to be kind and third to be kind to emily Monday, June 27, 2005 9:29 PM today i came to sch in rings la, wich is like dame mbarassing and bhb.all tell me after agm in august then take off. walao eh. heng got pe . at first come to sch then sian sian. then start to psyched up . hehe cos im pro, then during math lesson, w aaaa pearl sae i tok dam loud ahhahaha. then during geogh. i told eunice that the cher's neck liek waterfall, sweta drip non stop then we laff until p[eng shoo happy. wish i can remain liddat foreve! i dunno why, but i after i took em off, its liek i feel SO much lighter, apart from the fact that LWF might not like me nemore. i really dun wanna lose out to ***** . life is becuming mORE AND MORE COMPETITIVE,but i kinda like it. heehee of cops i pro mahh.. waa sian dun feeel liek blogging le. ahha mondae MOVIE MARATHON1!!!!! Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:40 PM You go from one emotion to another so fast and so often, it's hard to keep track! but your intelligent. You are also bold and daring, and you enjoy the finer things in life. < may not be your no.1 priority.>> ya, that is SO me. Friday, June 24, 2005 8:42 PM yayee! fann and i watched initial d today. haishh the rest couldn't make it la. so we two watch oni. but beri fun. WE DID A DARN GOOD DEED. we helped a china man send an emial with an attachment which contains his recommendation letters to become a senior interior designer =) pro rite? hehe first he came down and sat beside me and i was goddamnit wat the hell u wan? fite ar. come la. like limpei scared of u liddat. okay newae he din fite la, of cos i mena hes like scraed of me! HEH and he asked us if we cud teach him to attach thing to email and send . thne i not beri sure la. i emna, wta if his a con man rite? then later i ask himw ats in the attachments he wanna send. then he showed me those recommendation letters lor. i saw the words senior interior designer and blah blah cos my father once sent in this kinda letter so i abit believe his story.he gave me his email add and pass and stuff. then he suggest he follow one of us into the lan game centre to send the email then heng i smart. ERHEM. i ask him to takkare of our thing sthen fann and i went in to the game center. then occasionally we did spot checks on him see whther he got do anything to our things ahah. btu he nv la. then we discovered that we he gave us wrong email add. so we create one fore him the personal particulars all ang here ang there cos he name was supposedly ang kian san . lame name rite? of cos not i create one wat. newae we attahc everything then we sop nice la.. help him do everything. then we went back feeling so accomplished. then he sae wanna treat us to drinks then aiya dowan la, like take advantage of him liddat. I NOE WE BERI NICE=D hehe later i ask fann to smell her water bottle in case he got add poison or wat. HAHA but dun have la. so we go buy tickets for initial d!!!!! weee!!! then we sit in the cinema ... alot of couples then they play that kinda cha cha music. obiang like dunno wat lor.. then fann and i laff like si gina in the theatre ahAHAH over things that i actualli not farni at all. then fann sae actualli she laff becos i laff. AHAH ya rite. i noe i ebir farni dunnid to tell me. heehee okays, walao eh then the show dam nice la!!! alot of ppl sms me sae beir nice. ok la not alot. 2 oni ! ahha tell u the reason 1) i taught the director. he is my tu di. tankew beir much 2) edison hubbie dear dear is inside!!!! 3) edison HDD act beri well cos he noe that i am gonna wathc it so he wanna impress me! 4) he so smart(like me) he ask all the other ppl oso act well so can produce good show!!! byby i miss skool! Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:34 PM today's training sux cos i din perform well haishh. sad la. nvm sat. sat i gonna pia after trg we went to jec and we crap like dunno wat sheet. laff until peng dunno how many thousand times. laughing mode =) man i love to laff. laffing rawks!!! then went for the farewell meeting. i was the first person to leave. then as i was walking away from the sch to the mrt. i turn around, and i saw that there was no one else on the staright pavement behind me. i never felt so pathetic in my whole life la. its like goddamnit, u turn around no one's behind. and u feel as though u are the only one on the earth and the other epople u see are just starngers that look thru u. i feel so unappreciated. i dunno why but sometimes i feel its good i left. ok not left, din get in. either u take it as a setback or a blessing in disguise. its amazing that 1 hour ago i was crapping like asi gina with my closest fwens then now i felt so alone. its liek one minute ur heart is on cloud 9 and the next moment, u dig 3m deep into the ground and u still cannot find it. i love cross forever. Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:49 PM i closed my eyes and listened to angel. i told myself that i wun take a second chance. i will give it my best shot. i am gonna emerge victorious. im gonna run in the national stadium. and nothing will stop me.NOTHING. i can do it. cos i raawk. and im the proest person in the world. in my darkest moments i prayed and god will answer my prayers. 9:35 PM I just checked the rjcat website. and i navigated a round . reached the rules and regulations page. To qualify for the 800m finals, timing has to be under 2.50. 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 2000m & 3000m Steeplechase: If necessary, heats shall be held to select 16 Finalists. If there are 2 heats, the first FIVE in each heat and the fastest 6 losers shall qualify. If there are 3 heats, the first Four in each heat and the fastest 4 losers shall qualify and if there are 4 heats, the first Three in each heat and the fastest 4 losers shall qualify. If there are 5 heats or more, the first Two in each heat and the fastest losers to make up the field of 16 finalists shall qualify. There are 4 heats. which means im gonna need to be the first 3 to finish to qualify. goddamnit when i read the above portion, i wasn't so sure if i can make it. i realli wanna make it into the finals. i noe aftr ppl read this they will say jiayou or some encouraging things, i appreciate these but i was thinking mebbe it wun be that easy to jiayou. i noe that if i think i can do it, i can. but mebbe motivation doesn't come easy. i took a glance at the list of competitors in my heats and i am sincerely scared. i mean. what if i get too complacent like nationals and then end up losing ? i mena, the whole cycle is repeating itself. contradicting i noe. now im worried that i might be too complacent. and as much as i try not to under estimate my opponents, i feel less motivated to win this struggle. if i am confident of myself, i might perform better. point is, i dunno how confident to be and how confident am i. owell, i might not be able to write as well as SOME people, but i do have feelings that i am unable to pen emotions. i remember now. The pen is mightier than the sword. but wat if i do not have a good pen but i have a powerful sword? Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:57 PM todae we had trg! and pandan papa scolded us. walao eh. heh. we were supposed to do 10 sets of 400m but i only did nine cos mi thigh numb and cramp so stop in the middle. then the last set i do unitl chao kanasai. 1.45. sick RITE? now iknow how slow mr lee's sets are. waaaaa. cannot tahan. but at least i got try rite. i tried to keep all the OTHER eight sets under 1.30. heehee. hmmm. just now online. found out to amazing things. clafiry my doubts. so he and she really really steading and that day he realli went out with her =D I PRO HOR. DUHHH. OK, A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS. next is haha dowanna sae. dam obvious. is i ownself guan cha from blogs. damn obvious=) goodluck Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:02 PM 14 July 2005 Thursday CCK Stadium 2.30pm Heat 1 Lane 2 459 8:19 PM here's a song that i like ALOT. its like it really cools your nerves and when ur down, if you just listen to it, u will cry and at the same time be motivated to satnd up again Angel- Westlife spend all your time waiting for that second chance, for a break that would make it okay. there's always one reason to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day. i need some distraction oh beautiful release memory seeps from my veins let me be empty and weightless and maybe i'll find some peace tonight in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here so tired of the straight line and everywhere you turn there's vultures and thieves at your back and the storm keeps on twisting you keep on building the lie that you make up for all that you lack it don't make no difference escaping one last time it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees in the arms of an angel fly away from here from this dark cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear you are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here you're in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here some comfort here Saturday, June 18, 2005 8:40 PM todae got trg!!!! yayee and i went to gombak alone, cos ahso sick, manda nv turn up, fann still slping liek a sbk pig at 7.15 and trg starts at 7.30 for goodness sake !!!! and her's what nx said on her answering machine. and its crap. she act shu nu... walao ehh and the later the T pronounce dam clear. act newsbroadcaster but too bad not pro enuff... ahhah and i called a acouple of times just so i could her it oevr and over again!!!!!! " brrrrrrrring, brrrrrrrrring... hello this is nigxin here im sorry but im unable to pick up the phone right now so please leave a message and i'll call you back laTer tankew" ahhahahahaha crap la... ok so im laffing at my own jokes.. thats what i realise i've been doing recently.. hmmm trg. went to gombak but it wasn't open. BECOS THEY DIN NOE THE PRO EMILY WAS COMING. haishhh shud have told them... then we dunnid to go to cck to train. ccck the fengshui beri bad.. MY MEANING OF FENGSHUI IS THE weather LA. cos feng is wind and shui is water. uhhh yea. HAHHAHAHAHAH ok alme. see im doin it AGAIN. alrite alrite so four rounds ard the outer lane usual warmups. and as usual i nearly die la. cos this time pandan papa got time. and cck stadium is blardie hot!!!! hot as in sexy! ahhahahah jkjk erhem... SOMEONE put cologne hor????? hahahahas then we did 3 sets of 800m. and pandan papa made us do an extra one. sbk. 54 ,54 ,54 ,55. haisss before the last set, i told pandan papa that my face was white, so he will give more discount. JIAN rite? pro rite? duhhhhh but he din. sbk. i think i cna become fishmonger liao. tat tiem went to beauty world to by clothe with chacha for project oso tried to bargain with a lao ah pek for 20cents. tankew beri much i noe i beri pro, dunnid tell me i oso noe sia. heh. but still must do. actualli we planned to sit down when pandan papa blew his whistle for us to get ready. but we din. wanna noe why? cos we are nice ppl. HOHOHO then later received news that SHAWN 2G asked jade to help him do the bookmarks. jade sae no lai he still pls pls. then cm call him on the phone then we all sacream, at him... walao ehhh i scream sbk so many times lor.. then when i wanna tlel him my secret abt the iq one, he put down the phone... wat sheet la... COWARD. JAIN REN SE LANG. NO SORRI SE MAO. eat sheet lar shawn. think u big shot isit? think jade beri kind u cna make use of her ar. wat sheeet. we all ebri jaing yi qi de ok.... ltr sb and chacha came to my house to do project... haishhh. slack alot... and i laff like siao byby Friday, June 17, 2005 9:31 PM oya hsitbin and i have exactly the same figure!!! wooooot 7:30 PM waaaa ~! ytd big thing happened. ok so we had trg ytd. and it was not that bad la. minus foot drills! yeah the warmup is the SPECIAL warmup. which in this case means. more tiring then the usual four rounds ard the outer lane. and if the latter is already a killer, then this SPECIAL warmup ? u imagine. ok la. its not that bad.. hmmms then we did 10 power jump. then ltr is the workout. 800m need ta do 600m and 300m then jog 4 rounds on the outer lane then another 600m and 300m. when we were goin to attempt the second 600m, i bargained with pandan papa whether we could do only 1 600m w/o the 300m. and he agreed . but on one condition : must be under 2.05. my previous set was 2.05. fann din tink she cud do it. me too la. nx too. then again, if we could do 8 sets of 800m FOR mr lee? why can't we complete one set of 600m for pandan papa? perhaps, the problem wasn't with him. but with us. MIND OVER BODY. OUR bodies were above our minds for goodness sake. i mean, yes, he has monstrous warmups that tire us out even before we work out. BUT. its after all EQUAIVALENT to mr lee's 8 sets . am i rite? i mean, if we did it before, why can we do it again? and if i did a 2.05 before, why can't i do it again? it was plain pressure. like somethings stopping us from doin what we CAN DO. external factors. there are many diff points of views to everything. and this is just what i think. i can nv say i have tried my best. but the worst thing that can happen to someone is not to realise their true potential. if i think i can do it, then i can do it. if i think i cannot do it, then i cannot do it. i can do it. under 2.05. cos i want to. i need to. i must and i will do it. we charged of and i was right behind fann. when we passed pandan, he told me to follow. so i did. but there was something inside me that reminds me that i do not just want to follow. i wanna overtake her.so i ran past her after the 400m mark. 200m more. you can do it, emily. i told miself that i cannot let neone overtake me, only i can overtake ppl. the curve was nice. i liek curves alot. the last 100m seemed liek eternity . i see the straight stretch ahead and i asked myself repeatedly: can you do it? yes i can yes i can I CAN! but i still slowed down newae. i ran towards pandan papa. and as i was running, a questioned poped in my head why am i running here now? im running becos of mi love for it, and becos i wanna prove to myself that i can reach my ultimate limits and be the best that i can be. prove the world that this girl here can run. run for RV. and pandan's shouts broke my train of thoughts: 2 minutes! 201! 202! 203! 204! and my face cringed i crossed the line. 2.04 minutes. under 2.05. then again, i can do better. ltr as pandan was abt to leava when trg ended, he smiled to me and asked : 205? 206? i showed him four fingers and smiled. Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:43 PM i rawk.. in mi life #-1 crossers and good fwens! #1 is edison hubbie dear dear #2 is pandan papa =D oya and mrlee is darn efficient la(cos i teach one) in less then two hrs, he chsoe for me spikes ahhaha!! yippeee!!! tmr go get!!! woooot Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:28 PM today rawks!!!! cos we laffed alot alot alot. and really alot. sometimes i think we really shud loosen up abit during trg cos i think laffing sorta gives me energy!! today's trg was already considered OK. pandan papa was 40 mins late!!! wat sheet. thursday's gonna be hell!! weee. during foot drills, jan and i were doing wateva magic trick la i think rena and her fwen were du diao lor. like how come rvians are like that? quite happee that we proved ppl who think we are nerds wrong!!! yippee! waaa today dam shuang. another one of our crazee days. which means im healthy! and back to norm! in je lib, ahso and i were playing spy haha but failed cos we were spotted. but NEVERMIND. you zhi zhe shi jing cheng! with MORE experience, we'll definitely be successful the next time round! yeah !!!! haha we rawk. but i rawk more. oya and during trg I DAM pro rite fann? rite ningxin? i bargain with pandan papa and ask him whether we can do 4 sets of 150m instead of 4 sets of 400m. and he agreed! of cos. i mean, i am so shuai and cute mahhh ahhaha. and im he DEAREST DARLING DAUGHTER. ok he stared at me for like five secs. and i put on my proest face for him to admire . then he agree! =))) waaaa i dam pro lorr... i oso think so. you oso think so rite? aiya dunnid tell me i oso noe. =D hehe and so we did four sets of 150m. tanks to me!! ahhaha but only the 800m c girls can do. cos im his daughter mahh...so he oni allow ppl from my event and of my age to do lor... x) jian rite. learn from my father. oya ahso came across this cool book in the lib. never let a fool kiss you and never let a kiss fool you. sth liddat. still got one more dam vulgar de. i am too fking busy and vice versa. xD hehe. not me hor. is that author. ask not why emily is pro, but why the pro is emily! Monday, June 13, 2005 8:20 PM YAAAAY im back... in one piece! wooot. cos i pro mahhh. newae the last post was crap la. ok so i dunno wat to sae la just that i realise much of my PRO genes was inherited from my pro father. my parents ARE crappy. as quoted , "act blur live longer" and my dad wore a wig in the hair accessory store. he also did some super sissy moves. like swaying his hair sexily. yeahh isn't that COOL? or wat that was only one. oh. and i dun care if my bro reads this or wat. but its so DAMNED obvious that my mom is balrdie biased to my bro. tankew beri much. no matter how much she saes she is fair, she is hell of a kind lying and i am smart enuff to realise that. ok so any idiot can see that. she asks me to do practically everything tht my bro doesnt ever need to do. tankew beri much. furhter details to be disclosed on a later note Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:34 PM heh today was one sian day. received a call from mi cousin and she say wanna LIAO TIAN. wat sheet i said i was busy. a pro is ALWAYs bz... heehee lolnewae she's like close to thritry and im 14??? wat's there to tok about?? about how pro i am? can. but she probably doesn't enjoy the fact that she's having a phone conversation with the world's proeest person =D hmmmph. and just now i was greeting with the shocking fact that leena ahso siad she was the ultimate pro... amnn ok, other ppl oso got sae they pro to fite with me la but,. its like aiya i dunno why la, she say until so LIKE me. until i du diao. sorri leena but i can't help but get pissed. ok, so i AM petty but its like aiya dunno la, i juxt dun like the feeling of being copied hehe. now i know how jo feels all the while. sorry leena, i realli cannot help it la =) Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:07 PM hahaha the pro is bacl! cuz today i started laffing quite a bit la.. soon to develop to a siaogina style lor. hmmmm seemcs like mi old self is back. and gawd noes how cool that is =) cos i rawk mahhhh.. hmmm today trg warmup already die liao heng the sun not that scorching when we doing those drills. if not the pro can faint man. suddenly realise that it is beri stressful to run with the seniors and the faster runners. darn blardie stressful. and i drooped out of the 4 th SET OF 400M COS I HAD STITCHES (COS TOO PRO DRINK TOO MUCH WATER) sori for the caps. aiya i lazee to write a gain. tonite showing the real da vinci code second episode. im gonna try to absorb what the hell that fella is trying to say cos his english slang is uhhhh. aiya worst thatn mine can liao la k? i beri pro one. but now cannot speak as well cos i pass all my proness to my disciples(tppl who can speak darn good eng) cos im generous and nice. TANKEW BERI MUCH. hmmmm thats all i think. pia on thurs cos i realli wanna get in~ Monday, June 06, 2005 9:34 PM heyy! hehe okay so i wanna clarify that i dun believe the part abt marymagdalene being the one sitting beside jesus. cos when i checked out the statue in my house, the person did look like a girl, BUT, the others oso looked like girls -.- and HE apparently didn't have erhem, breats so yeah. just a make -up watsheet no showing da vinci code!!!! BBBBBBBB BYBY Sunday, June 05, 2005 8:50 PM heyhey! the pro just finish readin da vinci code!!! ytd nv coem on cos i was too engroosed with davinci code!!! yeah it rawks! YAAAAAY less ard 1 day bahs !!!!! so happie mann! but i not beri satisifed with the ending bahh. abit ambiguous. like i feel beri CHEATED lol. langdon and gang spent liek so much of their effot to crack those codes but they still cannot find the documents containing some thingy ... haizzzzz. todae did sth sian. oni a few ppl noe. i dun dare to say cos i scared ltr u all sae me heh its wan'st much of a **** actualli, just qimin wanna teach me some stuff. hehe newae these few days not much feeling cos pandan's trg totally killed the pro's soul k. during trg i nv tok much as long as i spent most of my time lying on the ground can le. fine fine, i just noe i need to hang in there like mr lee always says during our cross trg,"hang in there" hang in there. thats what im gonna do. waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. cos i dun even noe what i am tinking now =( tmr i have nth on and i have 1 more hour to decide waht to do Friday, June 03, 2005 9:29 PM i finally saw the wonders of gettyimages.com like i typed the word "experiments" and i had a totally cool eye feast =DD so i saw many many cool images like pictures of soem student putting their eyes to the microscope. and i saw adult PRO physicists at work. and deep deep down in my heart, i told myself that i wanted so much to be like them, enjoying every single moment of their scientific research work. when i see them holding those testubes, my heart was fluttering away . i know i wanted to be a scientist beri badly. okay so i cannot help it. its like my dream to see the world enjoying scientific studies, poor children holding test tubes and using bunsen burners, and everyone marveling at the wonders of science, for without science, there won't be us. science is a beautiful subject. and it will be loved =)) 1:40 PM heyhey! the pro is at sheetbin's house now hahaha ehhh we are so sian diao.. nth to do. hmmmmmm.... fann is back from her chalet. YAAAAY but is janice back??? is joanna back to do gym workouts with us???? haizzzzzz. we beri long nv have a cross outing le. and never thrash out so i sorat find that mebbe we are drifting apart when we are supposed to be more bonded!!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaiiiiiii sad. life's gettin pretty boring. everytime i step nto a food court i alwayd have a dilemma of what to eat. must see the serving size summore. ltr to much cannot tahan. then i beri choosy abt food, this dowan that dowan(cos i too pro mah) hehe hmmm and i only finished half the BIG bowl of porridge!!! wat sheet =) but i must jian fei. must go do more gym sessions with joanna darling... my muscles aren't getting ANYWHERE. owell. so i need ta go gym!!!! and er... i promised miself that if i get into 400m relay team i will buy miself a pair of OP boardshorts !!!!!!! Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:50 PM oya and i am beginning to tink that i cannot live without fann, janice and joanna. life just seems too quiet without them ard. i miss fann's laffter, janice's bimbo-ness and joanna's weight-lifting PLEASE COME BACK FROM UR CHALET SOON !!!!! 8:39 PM heh i am SO pissed. mi mother doesn't understand that i am having competition next week and nationals in less than a month's time and that i cannot disappoint my poor pandan. i won't disappoint him. mann i was he was so hurt today.and turns out that i am ON TIME FOR My appointment. becos i rawk duhh. lemme show u how blardie pro i am k from gomback stadium to foot of mi house = 15 minutes. ran ard 3.5minutes from the platform to mi house lift. bathed and ate and went down to the dentist's in 20 mins am i pro or wat. and that was aftr TOUGH TRAINING MANN okay lemme tell yoo the warm up plan and its only WARM UP run 200m fast 600m jog run 200m fast 600m jog run 200m fast 600m jog run 200m fast 600m jog sprint 200m not rest all continuously and i nearly fainted owell. here's torture for drills 5 sets or high knee lift.(approx. 20m each set) 5 sets of aiya spread legs out (cos i 4got howta say it) heeeeee. and thats not the end k. sprint 500m then sprint another 300m and jog around the field 5 rounds. die die die!!!! and followed by thrashing from that sucker how bad can it get??? but i like it! ahhahaha mebbe becos its tough but we realli do not have much time left man. Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:52 PM mi new skin!!! i was so tempted to make one becos i saw sheetbin's new skin... see? i told u i was competitive! ahah i love this skin becos it has the twelve rawkers of mi life! and it is taken on april 13 NATIONALS!! haha hope its appealing =D and here's mi japanese name emiririmu Emily is emiri Lim is rimu Emily the pro is emiri za puro 6:48 PM i am beri guai today. the pro stayed at home the WHOLE day and never set foot outside the house-not even to throw rubbish. pro rite? pro rite? haha we din go ice-skating becos we realised we couldn't get enuff ppl to go haha too bad lor newae competition next week so better not injure miself. in twee hours i did 2 hw ONLY. okay thats alot for a pro becos a pro is too pro. heh i realised that we shud be really optimistic about our lives becos no matter what, we still have to live it rite. so might as well live it HAPPILY =) see i'm so pro. haha ok i know i am blardie bhb but too bad la cos its true i'm pro =D whoa i tink i am like trying too hard to fill up spaces and wasting ur time to read. becos there's realli nth to blog abt!!!!oya i goin to pluck teeth tmr. two at a go so wish me luck though i am pro. i cannot stand pain ok and i cannot stand the taste of blard byby |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |