Saturday, April 30, 2005 8:40 PM yo... feel soooo REVITALISED (: i rawkk the world i rawkk rawkk and rawkk!!!!! i just completed mi revision of the worksheets that were printed from mr tan's olevels physics book!!!!! yea!!!!! hahahahhapro rite pro rite hahaha like DUUHHHHHH president of boon society lehh hahahah everytime will always shout over to the boons in 2h hahaha once they flashed the sign "toilet" then we showed the ok sign then we hurry run down to the toilet there to meet then we laff like siao hahahahaah boon's just rawkk la haha btu that janice hor..... go and drink from her ultra big algae wattie bottie then spit on the ultimate boon---mee!!!!!!!!!! kaoz... wanna die isit ??? ahhahahahaspit all over mi hand sia... so UGH! ahahha nvm nvm next time i use the hose spray at her hahahaha... Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:49 PM TODAY the boon is terribly sick and i mena really sick ahha... throughout the whole home ed exam i was sneezing into the sushi and unagi and green tea and miso soup ahahha... soon ppl even caught mi flu... bleah sorri hahah sing this to thetune of jet's "look what you've done" oh look what you've done, you made the whole of 2b sneeze. oh look what you've done you've made the tgl so piseed. oh look what you've done u need to bring more tissue next time hmm haha todae we oso had our that stoopid poem thingy we got second... missed third by 1 mark ahah pro rite pro rite.. mdm chia give us so low..... and guess what tgl told me ... she said the grp that rendy lee gave 10 actuali oni got 0 !!! i ask her y she said teacher's were aliens... LOL juicy secret... tgl hates chers that are shuaier than her ahahha jk... bet mr soh mux b reading this ahaha u rawkk!!!!! pearl said when evr i laff i always need to charge up... like errrr then ahhahahahhahhah hahaha farni sia... lol todae i shouted "BOON AR" OVER TO 2 H BUDEN fann and joanna din c ahaha but recess the boons told me they were shouting boon to me haha din hear... hahaBOONS rawkk ahhah whemeva we sae the word we nv fail to laff de hahaha aHAHAHAHH ok... newae... todae when i was wlaking home frm school.. i saw a grandpa holding his grandson's hand(wich is frm de la salle) then i felt beri warm in mi heart... KAO make me sweat so much! hu ask u go and hold ur sun zi hand... make ppl so touched rite hahaha lol newae when i grow up, i wanna be and affluent/accomplished/reknowned/remarkable/impressive scientist... nuclear physicist... mayb i b chemist haha but i hate bio ...:| then i wann ahve mi owwn kids so i can teach them to lurve science.. i wanna at least b able to afford a condo and i wanna let my toddler learn how ta wear ankle sox haha and how ta pull their bags low low... my kid will b the coolest youngest kid ahhaha then i will have mi beri own lab :D weeeeee~ and mi hubby will be a nice guy who is beri caring and not pervertic ahah....mayb mi hubby will be a scientist oso then we can work to gether. mi hubbie and i will then open the institute of physics and chemistry cos i hate bio! >< okkaezzz yea thats abt it..thats mi dream ... and i wanna b able to understand mi kids beri well and noe what their going through(peer pressure, brands, bgr) bla bla bla.. i wanna b the BEST MOMMIE IN THE WORLD! best scientist oso!!!!!! Monday, April 25, 2005 9:39 PM hmmm.... nutin much to sae bah... jux good luck for mdyrs everyone!!!! haha n FWENS FOREVER EVERYONE hahaha boon boon here ... haha that's mi new name... todae in canteen i think the small boon heard me calling miself that hahaha hmmm boons' if u happen to drop by(which is like uhh nv gonna happen) hahah mi neu name is BOONBOON haha in memory of u guys! the bball bros hahaha cheers to broship and to boon-o-logy!!!! hahaha mi neu name---- boon bo0n/boon square yea!!!!! emilyy rawkks atheltics rox.... tmr midyrs paper one ahahha i shall follow mdm chia's pro advice "ERHEM... TO GIVE EXPOSITION TOPICS A MISS IN THE EXAMINATIONS AND WRITE PERSONAL RECOUNTS IN ORDER TO SECURE YOUR 'A' " hahaha yea! thats pro advice ahha hmmm shud i BHB more?? yea... definitely... she said mi "language is ACCURATE and should DEFINITELY earn you a HIGHER grade!!!" ok i added the exclamation marks miself... haha but still beri nicee to hear that write ahhaha WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i noe ua are green with envy hhahaha jkjk g0o0o0o0od luck for exams... all the best//break a leg// add oil// kampateh// jiayou// i am shuai// i rawkk// hahahah ok fine! boon boon signing out!!!!!!!!!!_________x)) Friday, April 22, 2005 9:10 PM todae was darnnnnn fun ahhah... guess what we plaed catching AGAIN ahso and i ran two rounds ard the school hee3 feeling so revitalised ahhaha ... running brings me back to life... rite leena?? ahhaha hmmmm then we plaed catching.. first round is leena and i becum catchers cos we like to catch ppl haha cool rite ahha kao... i tell u hor its like we run here run there oso cannot find them run the whole school le oso cannot find them then jux nice we saw a grp of gals in pe then we stare ... jan started waving... then both chris and jan pao diao kaoz then we chase them lor ... fann and peishe oso join in hahaha i so pro caught fann ahahahha then later leena trapped chris then i caught her frm behind hahah pro rite pro rite? ahaha hmmmm then later i think ya... er we join with sec 4 gals (((: suzanna and ps becum catchers hahaha hmmmm then we were hiding behing the ****** they cannot find us... we wait and wait and wait they nv cum hah mux be bz rounding up the b gals haha we saw them chaisng each other we hide back... aftr awhile we decided to expose our selves cos if they cnt find us beri sian.. so we dispersed at 5 secs intervals ahahha fanna dn i hide behing the aircon there the guys nearby tot we keesiao wateva... jiazhen so farni... she cum near me i tot she not catcher so i let her cum near ahah then she tap me kaoz!!!!! eeeee newae fann faster pao diao... then i give her chance by telling her to run cos im catcher... cos i jiang yi qi mah hahahha in the end still caught her xD hahahah ok then we rested go watch bball match ahahha rk soooo kaoz... keep using his chest to block ppl... haiz... so intimidating sia! hmmm wateva la.... then erm we went to canteen to eat..... COACH ONLINE NOW!!!!! WEEEEEEE~... okok then we decided to plae iceman hahahahahhahah eevrybody got a chance to be one... when it was mi turn they all plae cheat de!!!!!!!!! kAOZZZZZZ!!! I CATCH two liao then jwhen i wanna catch the other one then janice go and pull me back... KAOZ!!!!!!!eeeks so sian then chase heer chase there so angry ahahah in the end caught leena !!!hahha wateva... then i keep staeing ard that bbq pit... farni arh i nv c before school got bbq pit de..mayb last time this site was a chalet ahah diaowwww then we keep on plaeing then weekiat join in... KAO he dam pro lor. but i proer ahhaha btu he beri rough duhh boy wat haha aiya tell u the truth hor actually is i let him win one leh ahahahahhaha jkjk todae jux beri fun... aftr changing staright awae go home haha then later leena call me then i ask her to ask ps whther she lending her the swimming costume or i lending her... then she call back sae she meeting ps ... then i ask her if she got aksk ps... she sae she nv... then i tink tink tink .. if she meeting ps... mux b pass swimming costume rite??/ DUHHHH then the stoopid ahso was like "OYA HOR" AHAHAHHA than i laff lor laff like siaohahahahha then i keep telling her she beri ahso then she sae i laff like washing machine ahhahaha ok,,.... end here! Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:37 PM hahaha emilee rawks foreva ahahha jk jk ehhh but its true la... cant deny it rite???? rite???? hahahha wateva ytd rawked and sucked at the same time but rawkked more than it sucked... becos we had self-training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we played catching too!!! its so freaking fun playing catching with the crossers and its even better to play catching with joanna darling cos when u chase her for less than 100 m she will stop for me to hug her ahahhaha thn before selftrg we had this reflection thingy and i wrote alot ahhha cos i tink for me realli got alot of thing to write la hahaha then joanna started "lifting weights" hahahah so farni sia so i copi her then we started "working out in the gym" together ahhha i caught zihua laffing at us while we were "lifting weights" ahhahahhaha but its realli beri farni got chance show u ahahhaha (: LOL i was lamoing hahahhah then we keep crapping there... HAIZ cross JUST rawkks get the point?! hahhha and emilee just RAWKKS hahahahahaha hmmm mayb i shud open a fan club soon since hor erm im so shuai and pro and cute ahhahah no jkjk but if i realli havea fan club than fann will b president cos fan fann hahaha wateva lame... then aftr trg sumtin stoopid happed dowanna tok abt it haha but i bet its fake -.- hmmm wateva then todae we had the literature workshop thingy and ahso laopo and i are going to perform on stage the next assembly on wednesdae!!!! wee~ ahhaha i have to look ultra shuai that dae ok ahahah bleah... newae we are just reciting some dumb poems hmmmmm.... erm the instructor has SERIOUS bo, mayb he is yishengs shi fu ?? hahaha im acting as the owl/pussycat hahah an dour grp name is ******** hahahah and i hope its nice and gaosiao cos this kinda poem u noe la... cannot do much de... so dun expect too much oso la ahhaha Saturday, April 16, 2005 8:37 PM KAOZ todae went to je to meet fann and cm kaoz and i tot ps and jade will be there too!!! too bad jade sickk :((( and ps dunno go where liao... orhh OM ya hope she can get to go UK sia...beri hungry so bought the new curry chicken set not beri nice la... then cm went to play her uhhhh arcade game she sae dunno got what shuai ge... mux be not shuaier than me rite duhhhh hahahaha okkk enuff of that shuainess haha thenn fann and i went to je library to study so farni lor heehee than janice CHo came xiaoxi oso then we talked abt how morons use hp nxt time show u haha then ermm ya wwe talked abt the lights... hahahaha they shud on it!!! then this singh guard went around catching ppl who dun make good use of the beanbags and threw them onto the stage for other ppl to use he... sooooo act cool haiz.... NVM.... ok fine ahahah then we were toking abt this rv gal we saw at the vending machine.. i sae i know who it was then jan sae she cnt see. fine so i sae turn around leh.. then she turn ahhahahahhahah so pro rite me... haha sae netin oso happen ahah .. so i ask u go bang ur head against the wall ahha BANGGG. kaoz u so ting hua arhh lol ok so they went to look for their fwen and fann and i continued running i mean studying then i got no motivation to do leeee cos im errrrr distracted ya distracted... so we decided to take a run... PRO RITE pro rite ahahahhaa hmmm practice shuttle run but i still beri slow... oni got staminar no speed hahaha mux go track and learn more!!!! hmmm due to inappropriate footwear, err speed decrease ahahahhmm then went back.. it worked running worked.. the inspriration to do those freakingly idiotic math questions came!!!!!!!!! yay hahahaha RUNNING IS THE BEST MEDICINE!!!! hahahamanaged to do a few questions.. hEY but its considered an achievement for me, a math idiot ahhaha then went home at ard 5 bah yea thats mi dae.... beri fun Friday, April 15, 2005 10:38 PM hah! todae was farnn... firx go to school... n i got twisties frm leena ahso and jade for international fwenship dae sia.. GOd i din even noe it..heehee ne wae thanks i got the pencil that saes pretty girl... HAH! can change that to shuai gurl hee2 so todae went a skool toked to fann babi haha n amande wore bracesWEEEEEEEE congrats colour quite nice suit her sia heehee then she smile like monkey liddat haha hmmm. wat happened next... nutin much ya but clif soh wa preti lame todae haha lamer than usual haha but beri cute la heehee lieka big teddy bear sia :))) newae went to sgh for a dental appointment.. tot i was going to do some complicated surgery in the end dunnid to do ahhahahahaha weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kaoz i took x ray in this small room with four walls quite scary haha not suppose to open eyes haha wonda iof i open eyes wat will happen... hmm. contacts melt????? ahah or eyes bao zha.. ok then he close the door then i felt beri scared so i dun dare to open mi eyes then the thing take os long to scan i scared i die inside how haha ok la i sooo macho wun die so easily de! aftr the thing wish ended beri beri early i went back to skool to attend cid haha oso becos aftr skool got min cross gathering and i can't miss that!!!!!!!!!!! ok so i wen back laopo tot i stoopid sia can pon cid dowan to pon ahaha sta at qimins place and i finally understood how she felt to seat all by her self and RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER kaoz if llm is the teachre i every science lesson hafta go toilet vomit liao ok so aftr skool at with ah so fann and jan haha ltr jan went home so we decided to do hw.. so guai rite haah i stuck at math cos i laoya at it... Math Makes Me Mad... hee3 get it ahha then we got distracted especially fann.. leena was the oni one who cud concentrate i decided we shud go on runs ard thesch ahah we scared ppl tink we keesiao so we keep shouting "jennifer where are u" and "where is mi wallet" to make ppl think we looking for sumtin sia ahha total ran thrice so freaking cool... i am SO gonna miss trg... haizzzzz Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:04 PM ERHEM due to erm overwhelming response..... EMILEE shall blog todae!!!!!!!!!!! ain't that cool ahahha hha jk jk cos ytd com crash... cos it wanted me to have a good rest for nats today lol... today came on miracle... wooot could connect immediately mux b todae i spike hair look shuaier sia haha lol jk I DUN SPIKE MI HAIR... this is gonna b the longest post haha hope u dun get tired aftr reading it... i noe the crossers won't haha so here it goes... prize winning essay :D early this morning i woke up only to realise that today would be the day that everyone in cross country was looking forward to. The day that they would run their heart out and make the miracle happen. The day they would shine like athletes. I went to school looking less cheerful than usual. qimin kept asking me if i was scared .. DUH. jux that i din show it heehee3. anyway alot of ppl ask me to jiayou and i was quite touched la haha.. ppl whom i dun expect to sae jiayou said it to me and ppl whom i expected to sae jiayou to me din sae it haha... but in the end the whole class did so i beri beri touched... even jing ni wished me good luck hhee ... newae was beri excited to leave and meet up with the crossersbut that toopid kuanloong hor dowan to leave early sia in the end i think 40 then leave kaoz... so tgl ask the class cheer for us.. then do three cheers i was DAMNED touched i wanted to cry but... mux act dao a bit mah macho ppl dun cry ... in front of alot of ppl ahhha... then we went canteen exchanged love letters of encouragement to one another... put them in mi crosser collection pouch :D heehee5 dam happie duhhhhhh heehee then i almost forgot to help laopo take her tupperware... so leena and i and nx wne tup opn our wae... saw fann... i tink she rmb i drop a note for her during recess... saw her running to wards me... so i sos run towards her... dam drama sai... then we hug each other dam tightly.., then we cry LOL i noe u are laffing ur head of hahaha wateva,.. touched mah... this is called fwenship. teamship.groupship ahahha wateva ship al big ship small ship... but i can tell u ... the fwenship between the crossers is as big a ship as the titanic. mayb the biggest ship in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv ya alll u alll jux rawk mi life!!! ok newae we were resting in band room haha rushing true the gift foir our dear coach..hehe so we slept then mr tan discuss with us war startegy sia and we feklt dam nervous ahha but i think i started getting over complacent ... lol... arrogance does not lead u newhere... its leads u top the toilet where u see one toilet bowl with someone else's sheet inside ahahhahaha... lol back to the topic... as i was saeing i go complacent... tot it wud be good chance of getting firxt aftr tan showed us the analysis... sheeti me im such and assholic idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fine so we wnet back to rest and i ran true the race route again and again... first part chiong, firx slope slow down, increase speed, upslope high speed, down slope stride like siao, turn to the grass pick up speed, turn out ovrtake and sprint like siao... lol alll etched in mi mind... so we set of reached turf city dam fast duno y oso. haha keith teo led us up to the sixth storey but all the seats chopped for vjc... WATEVA... but they are big winners la or at least the music they made with those pails was DEAFENING argh wateva... so we went up and came down... that cud be our warm up u noe ahha... in the end we settled outside the cnteen down there beri good place... got private room for us to slp in... haha i saw alot alot alot of delasallians.. stand outside the toilet there then the whole sji ncc came along.. firx spotted ivan, then sebatian then edmund the julian lim haha wateva din call ne except for edmund and lim haha newae we were told to act like big gangsters and not show ppl that we are nervous cos carrot school can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!yea! carrots are nice and sweet and nutritious and healthy and shuai (((: haha so we did warm up then beri soon we were at the starting linee.. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *fast forward* at the starting line now. beside commonwealth this two gals wished me good luck (: beri touched, hehe piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the horn went n i ran forward stoopid me la pai too hard for first 200m end up lag behind becum the sixth runner sia. sheeti ass holis me kuay- me hahahah bagua bagua bagua sia. ok fine so slowly the rest ovrtake me... then kaoz halfwae hor a pair of SSS and another pair of SNG gals ovrtake me then i soo freaking scared sai so pressure... try beri beri hard to pick up but wateva .. ok i managed to ovrtake a few until i was behind karen at the last stretch the the sng gal ovrtook me f la... how can i let that happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sheet newae when i finshed the race i was damned blardie disappointed with mi self... jux felt that i did not perform up to expectations... disapointed mr lee and everyone else.. wateva.. goal was to get top 20 f in the end get 24 so sheet i felt like sheet so cry lor... wat else can i do? race a agin arh... kaoz , but newae live for the experience... 4got to hug fann din go and save her hahha then we all consoled each othere... cheer ed up alot cos the crossers simply rock.. i've decided that the dae i feel like committing suicide i ll go meet up with the crossers and jux crap cos they realli make me feel a WHOLE MILLION TRILLION ZILLION times better:D KAOZ LURVE U ALL LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS :))) ok so we were waiting for the prizes to be given out and suddenly they said they oni have time to give out the prizes to the champion schools and top 3 runners... KAOZ1!! rv wilkl not be recognized lor... they saae becos of the weather. f la. i rather get struck by lightning and take mi prize lor... wtaeva.............. even the top 20 ppl oso cnt receive prize... so unfair.,.. cant they jux do it INDOORs.. wateva ne wae we got SECOND. haha all our timings under 17 mins... mi personal best this time round 16.55 haha but 24th argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wateva................... hahah so we went to the mac there to eat.. tok a whole lot of crap ltr when outside mac there to sing school song. sh. then the ppl upstairs complain. sheet bet we are gonna be doomed tmr... so we went to take the shuttle bus then we so super noisy on the bus a lot of ppl look at us and the bus driver ask us to keep quiet... kaoz. ltr nx and i went up to apologise to him........ :[[[ so we board the 67 bus -nx, ahso leena fann babi and i wooot.. figured out a new way of speaking and a special kungfu teachnique.. the 360degrees spitting saliva turn sia... go to school show u ahhahaha laff liek saio... keep falttening each other... this time we not so noisy. i was biiiiiiiii mused and biiiiiiiiiiii mazed. we are biiiiiiiiiiii tastic hahah oni the 3 ppl with me wilkl understand this code message siaLOLnewae witnessed a fatal accident near leena's home at bukit panjang there.. body wa scoverd in white sheet.. *chill* said a silent prayer hope his family is fine :| bleah.. so mi dae ended fun and farni and touching and motivating and i learnt a lot of things... nv to underestimate ur opponent... NEVER.... WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVEN FINISH YET... TOK TO MR LEE JUX NOW... n crossers guess wat he told me that this may be his last year weith us becos he's gonna be a lecturer... for science :)))) and im joining him ahaha no jkjk tell u all more tmr Friday, April 08, 2005 10:31 PM hahha i haven been updating for a hundred years??? lol everyone in athletics is counting down ... 5 more gonna just lie on the grass and stare up into the sky aftr i complete the race... godddd who noes im a reserve dun need to run sia... haha newae i was quite uhh stunned at wat kualong siad... he said he hate runnning????/? ahhhhhhhhhhh brother, please... dun do this to me at this critical period la lol... he sae he wanna be reserve dowanna run.... awww man feel lyk having a good tok with him la ... DUH ne1 who hates running in athletics needs a good tok hahah no la... cos hes mi bro oni. newae back to the point..this week has been a real meaningful one. cos i realised that motivation uh leads to success yipppeeeeeeeeeeeee wo0o0o0o0o... cos i started slping at 10 oclock or 10.30 every nite... COOOL rite haha and i realling PIAed dam hard for mi his and if i dun do well ill bang mi head against the wall. haha cos its like on uhhh tues came back ultra late frm trg 6 plus... so freaking scared have no time to revise history lor... then i eat finish stomache ache so i brought mi txtbook to the toilet pro rite pro rite ahahaha and then i was using mi neu purple marker to scribble out all the notes all over the txtbk sia... next time show u dam cool one haha ok so at the end of the dae.. feeel SO accomplished mann... wen to sch next morning dam early so still got time to read through mi secret codes haha shikee was slamming da bees on the ohp... and they wre still moving so i squashed em till all their intestines cum out ahah wif the duster la i not as macho as u think ok... eh wat am i saeing.. newae i AM SO MACHO ok?? wateva... then qimin chacha said mi notes were uh fantastis ya fantastic... ok she din sae that she sae i selfish scribble so messy so ppl cant read mi notes ahhahabut i felt i could read better that wae last yr sci companion oso like that but this yr nv thats y this yr science so laoya. so wen for trg and the usual stuff heehee... so we had our his test and i rocked and rolled like siao cos mi answeres beri long... i think ya rite till left 5 mins cos i even added conclusion sia.. wonda if i was adding legs to the snake body o.0 tthursdae lit test and the usual stuff cliff soh was microwaving hamburgers ya and aftr sch ahma and i wen down to buy food to eat in class. oya it was shibiner ahma's b-dae :D alt of ppl wrote to her to tell her that she must be more matured haha bt if she matured than no one play with me liao :((( haha oya did i tell u i forgot to wear my rings hahaha ok actually felt kind of FREE like uhh socks can pull 1cm lower but i cnt do that cos i got parallex error de. ok so surprisingly no teacher noticed.. ok la i think they noticed but they dowanna sae netin scared embarrass me mah.. haiz.ok nvm... break time... minced pork noodles YEA BABE!!!! yummi!!!! lol then chai ailing super duper cute todae.. was complainign to us of her dilemma she was screeching her and ther and burying her face in her hand la... here's some quotes frm her student's essay on the wat makes a good student exposition "a good student is not when only someone saes u are a good student but when EVERYBODY saes u are a good student" "a good student must have good academic results so that the teachers will let u (rang4 ni3) " ok no offence but sometimes i jux feel luacky im not frm *****... ok sthen we had trg!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love athletics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wo0o0o0o0o haha then i told them abt what chia ailing did lo haha then debreifing that tiem mrlee sae he submit the form liao///////// but he nv sae hu... wateva... eugene lee rox la haha motivation ahhhhhhhhh i feel SO motivated by what he said. its as though i have jux received enlightenment and realised the four noble truths and the eightfold path sia lol ok so fridae which is todae was pretty cool had the thais do cheers for us.. the gal with the mushroom hairstyle is chio like her eye are electrifying lol haha hair extensions??? *look, my bro jux sneaked 10 bux outta mi dadi's wallet and im gonna report it* ok back to the point they can realli do cool moves and nice cheers haha i was staring at nut and i suddenly realised he was beri cute... goddd he left alreadi but nvm... i got his email frm ningxin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha lol due to the longness of the thai presentation, we had to postpone our science test to mondae!!!!!!! arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sheeti ass holic hahaha but i was quite ok with it apart fm teh fact that i din study mi math at all... haha but it was quite ok la... hope i do well :D nats is drawing NEARER AND NEARER lyk 5 more dae... AWWWWW i was having a nice two hour nap thinking abt nats and how im gonna run it.. and it din turn out nice cos i had a couple of butterflies swooping around in mi tummie like nobody's business. darn u butterflies get the hell of mi stomach and dun come back again!!!!! argh! im SO determined and motivated... EMILEE IS SOOOO GONNA TRY HER BEST ON WEDNESDAE, if she gets to run, that is.... tmr we are wearing our cute carrot outfit to trg at a stadium hahaand we'll look super yummi and super nutritious... i bet everyone wanna eat us up... heehee hoi!!!!!!! dun touch me co si have tons of calories and carbohydrates ok!!!!!!!!! im currently feeling... MOTIVATED MOTIVATED MOTIVATED MOTIVATED MOTIVATED 5 MORE DAYS AND I'M GONNA DO IT Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:42 PM this is what mi coach said will u give up every other race for this? [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: yeas Adults Beginners' Triathlon Camp (9th & 10th April 05)...♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫ says: ha Adults Beginners' Triathlon Camp (9th & 10th April 05)...♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫ says: so one medal from this, u can clear ur shelf of others [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: haha [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: but one medal wun prove much Adults Beginners' Triathlon Camp (9th & 10th April 05)...♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫ says: so whats the difference being both an athlete and musician? [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: muscisian its like u need soo mani ppl Adults Beginners' Triathlon Camp (9th & 10th April 05)...♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫ says: and athlete? [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: and musician got no medal [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: the trophy is shared [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: athlete u run it winning this means u're the fastest team in 2005 goes down in history and u answer to yourself... thats y u have to dig deep inside and ask yourself its now or never a chance like this will never come knocking on your door twice all the pain the time the scarifice soaking in the rain management of school turmoil of teammates selection disappointment tears anger happiness all boils down to 16plus mins which will determine the outcome the human body is an amazing phenomenum u determine your own future yes no one is created equal but u can determine the best within your reach and nobody can take that away from you just remb as u run down the last stretch on race day ask yourself what u want [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: i wanna be the best [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: that i can be and so u shall be im only here as a coach the winner is the result of the athlete I give u take u perform u win u be proud of us I am already haha wen we haven even raced? if u stood in my shoes u will realise so many changes amanda was struggling her first run with me at macR northen trail U had problems keeping up after ur quiting your band adventures with us around the pandan reservoir leena could never finish her run while missing meals joanna was known as a 400m runner, never had endurance karen was tall and slow on short runs chrislyn was always at the front with jan ningxin was chatting way too much... look what has become of all a potential podium placing in national schools what more can I ask for? [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: lol [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: coach [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: u are [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: COOL [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: hahaha ha stay strong the team has to BE strong to win its everyone's part looking like lamesters does mean u're lame always rember that [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: and looking like machoists doesnt mean u are macho opponents will never expect much from u it will rip them apart [έmilεε™]] choc chip co0kie croςςëяs = r∂ώκers says: haha show them carrot school has got power u guys have lived up to expectations proved otherwise when ur seniors got 3rd... it was amazing... and they are a strong bunch very strong... but they unfortunatly have a strong field to fight with and when all this is over I hope u guys will keep this culture going on... I have no idea how ur juniors will turn out no idea... but thats something to worry for next year 9:51 PM ytd actualli wanted to meet leena at cck there... in the end received a call sae she late so meet her at her house the bus stop there. then i saw the 67 bus so i sprint like siao towards it then the stoopid dumbo driver drive awae when i was rite in front of him... me and the other lady were so pissed... i bet he jealous i shuaier than him thats why hurry drive away stoop ass holic sheeti guy... make me so malu.. u noe i sprint how nice for ppl to see anot.. i purposely make mi form so good so pro... haiz in the end neva got the bus sia... so malu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kaoz then gotta stand at the front of the line... then turn ard so aaron walking to the queue hurry turn back pretend neva see haha cos beri paiseh dunno y oso... then i got on the bus oso neva sae hello to aaron lol no la... gabriel oso came haha i alwaes mix him up with shutian la newae... received second call frm that lame ahso sae she board the wrong bus... -_-"' mannnnnnnnn ok so she din noe that my bus had no advertisements on it... bleah. stoopid ahso ahhahha newae she got down at the next stop to board mi bus ya... haha so she got on and we were laffing like siao.. all ur fault la leena make me laff until cry.... ok so we ran in the rain............ woooooooooooooooot ok so its cold hahaha... newae we nearly got run down by a horse if the owner didn't pull him back haha.. we were running running running then suddenly saw this horse then we keep talking loudly about how nice it was and everything blah blah blah.. then suddenly the horse went berserk or sumtin.. wanna chase aftr us... newae the owner told us to shut up then the horse quietened down... but we ran away quickly newae... i mean who wants to take risks rite??? haha ok next question is have u eva like actualli left a freind stranded on some place and din even realise it until u left the place??? cos i did.... we did. we lft poor joanna at turf city and we din even realise it... f us la...alrite so we tried to call joanna on the phone and me got through hahahahha!!!! then we were like apologising and passing the phone ard so all of us had a chance to tok ... then at the end we all said bye bye together ahha so touching rite aiya i noe u jealous of us cos we so warm rite hee5 crossers=raWkers wooooooooot heehee ne wae went to meet fann and jadey aftr that haha jadey that dae like beri hyper tok alotheehee then that fann la.. got jo's spikes. i dun have hmph!@!nvm i wear it awhile then walk ard the stone table show off abit show to the dance ppl athletics de power!!!!!!!!!! haha so later leena hahaha told us her secret !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wooooooot haha congrats lalala... *hints to fann* hmmmm.... actualli got alot of things to sae one... ya we went lot 1 need to buy bread haha... then fann se wanna walk walk so we went walk walking -leena fann and i ahahah so fun de... shhhhhhhh dun tell mi parent s hahaha then leena chao ahso la aiyo heehee i keep saying her lehh sorri ahha but i cant help it ahahhaahahah went home then slept ... did i??? errr... shud be din rite ya din .. did i anot.. sheet i forgot ... raah oya think i din bah.. watch tv then slept wanted to wake up at 9.30 then slept till next morning sia... todae woke up.. lagggg like siao... wanted to revise science so called qimin which dae the sci test she sae the sci test in fourth week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLEAH fine then i shall rock and roll and watch sum tv ahah since mi top priority gone liao so i watch mean girls video haha dam farni and nice hha newae laggg lagg rev sum his then go out to eat lor,,,, sianz todae beri sian Friday, April 01, 2005 9:02 PM hahaha todae APRIL fools dae... and we made a fool outta ourselves yea, the original two mani Bs hahahaha... stoopid me... earli in the morning alreadi got tricked by that fann la!!!!!!!!!! me and joanna so despo waitng for the others then suddenli fann cum up from the stairs then she sae mr lee sae she can run with us. kaoz i so fraking happie lo... so we went to her class ther wait for her then she ask me to look at mi watch adn see what dae isit. 1st April....... haiz... is go back to class there qimin wrote on the board 4 hours to maths test and i was freaking shocked ya... i tot it was next week then i ask ppl they sae chng postpone brought it forward somemore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aw man i haven study at all yet lo!!!! then flu sae beri ez he oso haven study... then i was like grumbling abt which topics i dunno how to do... then i saw that stoopid goondoo pearlyn laffing... LOL april fool's dae. haizzzzzzzz :'( why do i alwaes get tricked???? so ltr walk back home that time leena was superrrrrrr ahso hahah i bet she can open pula ah so the ideal island for all ah sos ahhahaha she saw sumtin black in her bread then i said it was jux sum chao ta part eat wun die de... then the next thing was i heard her mumbling, "i wun take risks" then got one piece of black black thing fly past me then i laff like sheeeeeeeeeeeeet lol ok so i wen home for that dental appointment... as usual had to wait like 1 hour sia...ok then it was mi turn so she needed to do x-ray to see if i got wisdom tooth if have need to pluck out and the cost to pluck out one is 750bux so i had the x ray and i had FOUR of those suckers... 3000 bux cooooool,...... needed to do surgery four times to pluck them out sumore... plus brace and teeth extraction its close to 7000 bux ... and mi dad agreed i cant belive it... ok so i was deciding whther to pluck one wisdom todae or not... i dam scared first time in mi life doing surgery sia awww man... so mi heart beating like siao... and i sagreed sheeti it was like she put numbing gel a couple of times... whole thing went numb... then she injected the needle.. pretty scary put not pain ahhahaha.. the inject sumore and sumore and sumore... then used the plier to ry to yank the thing out... she sae will feel pressure..BUT PRESSURE = PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!! SO AIYA I ACT COOL ABIT LA... newae it was realli pressure.. like sumone realli tugging hard at your teeth then she twist and turn and twist and turn... i felt i cud faint ya... then suddenly beri pain so i told her and she gave two more jabs ugh!!! then she pulll *piak* mi dad told me he heard it i heard it too i felt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like kena hammer liddat.. wa kaoz... then she yank and she yank and i scream and i scream in mi heart of cos....then *pianng* then she pull out sumtin soaked in blood from mi mouth ! hey! thats mi wisdom toooth!!!! i bet mi iqq has decreased by 20 ever since she did that... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh ok so mi whole right cheek was swollen and i wasnt shuai at all........................ awww man but now better lah.. but its damned freaking pain... imagine i have three more of this kinda surgeries to do......................... feel like jux giving up la........................... kaoz HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP ITS HURT LIKE SHEEEEEEEEEEEET |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |