Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:54 PM ok I LOVE RUNNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ just now i typed a post but somehow it didn't work so im typing again. mannnn.. fri we had training at macritchie 6.4km.. ran with jade, leena and fann. if i didnt' follow them i would have stopped anyway i fell on the way. lucky i use my hands to break my fall so ime didn't hurt my kneess...pheww cos i macho right???? -_-''' duhh. then run here run there. shiiit what am i talking about?? ok. i lost a pact before the fall and i currently have only 260 pacts ,... i think?! but ane way after training eugene lee a.k.a teddy the teddy bear a.k.a coach gave us a long talk which lasted 1 hour. it enlightened me and i was determined to try my best despite the fact that mr tan put me as individual for the whateva triple a race. probably because he thought i would be slow and stop and lag the whole team down. dude... i was the ONLY individual.... nvm, FINE. i'll show you who's boss. maybe he's just jealour that im more macho than him and that i havd more packs then hime. oooooo``` the longest distance i ran was 8.8 km and i also ran with leena fann jade same ppl. we worked real well and it was beri motivating. when one went fster the rest would follow. and the spirit is there. team spirit. the motivation. determination. just perfect. i love running becos of the great achievement you feel after completing the run. its just so coolll. aniway, i had two big blisters on my feet becos i folded my sox.. dang..its painful man. yesterday we had to usher the people and vips on the school anniversary. Karen, xiaoxi , shihui and i were backstage "protecting the cakes"... lamwan alloed us to go out to watch the show but tan huizhen called us in.... duhhh.... who else would??? hate her. like we cant even face the stage. she said we had to face the stairs cos the vips were coming frm there. i mean all, are present except some ex-stuidents. are they vips?????/ issn't it more rude if we face our backs to the people on stage???.,then i saw leeleemui=llm=trouble=bta=madness... she calle dfor my help a few times probably becos she noe me in mechatronicsand sent me to hell before. had to usher 2d boy and ex-studebnt.. bleahh at least i made myself useful. i saw dd and had butterflies in my tummy. weeeee~ tan huizhen chased us backstage again. bta. let's talk abt the day's attire... it was blouse and SKIRT with blazer and COURT SHOES??????!!!!!! BTA. the things in caps suck big time and the shoes sucked. i got blisters and i didn't look one bit classy i looked like a total idoit instead. so much for looking smart. back to the cake in the backstage. karen burnt the tip of her right thumb while lighting the candle and boy it sure was painful. she asked me whether her flesh was cooked. i said no. then she ask why got pop up(swollen" i said that according to einstein's theory of inflammation, there was a very thin layer of air between the flesh and the skin and when the fire came into contact with the skin, it mnade the air expand and tada. one bubble.... (which was obviously not true and since when did einstein do biology???) and was inflammation a theory) it was make up and i wanted to practise my speech skills early in case.. erhem i need to make a speech someday.ok then lam wan said it was time to push the cake otu but the candles were not yet lighted. then she ask me to light them i was like n no wo zhen the bu ke yi wo hen pa huo dui bu qi.... then i waved my hands frantically... dude. i was so sissified at that time. i couln't even light a match and lighter. neither could i light the stove and bunsen burner. somebody help. dd. ok bye 5:11 PM ok I LOVE RUNNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ just now i typed a post but somehow it didn't work so im typing again. mannnn.. fri we had training at macritchie 6.4km.. ran with jade, leena and fann. if i didnt' follow them i would have stopped anyway i fell on the way. lucky i use my hands to break my fall so ime didn't hurt my kneess...pheww cos i macho right???? -_-''' duhh. then run here run there. shiiit what am i talking about?? ok. i lost a pact before the fall and i currently have only 260 pacts ,... i think?! but ane way after training eugene lee a.k.a teddy the teddy bear a.k.a coach gave us a long talk which lasted 1 hour. it enlightened me and i was determined to try my best despite the fact that mr tan put me as individual for the whateva triple a race. probably because he thought i would be slow and stop and lag the whole team down. dude... i was the ONLY individual.... nvm, FINE. i'll show you who's boss. maybe he's just jealour that im more macho than him and that i havd more packs then hime. oooooo``` the longest distance i ran was 8.8 km and i also ran with leena fann jade same ppl. we worked real well and it was beri motivating. when one went fster the rest would follow. and the spirit is there. team spirit. the motivation. determination. just perfect. i love running becos of the great achievement you feel after completing the run. its just so coolll. aniway, i had two big blisters on my feet becos i folded my sox.. dang..its painful man. yesterday we had to usher the people and vips on the school anniversary. Karen, xiaoxi , shihui and i were backstage "protecting the cakes"... lamwan alloed us to go out to watch the show but tan huizhen called us in.... duhhh.... who else would??? hate her. like we cant even face the stage. she said we had to face the stairs cos the vips were coming frm there. i mean all, are present except some ex-stuidents. are they vips?????/ issn't it more rude if we face our backs to the people on stage???.,then i saw leeleemui=llm=trouble=bta=madness... she calle dfor my help a few times probably becos she noe me in mechatronicsand sent me to hell before. had to usher 2d boy and ex-studebnt.. bleahh at least i made myself useful. i saw dd and had butterflies in my tummy. weeeee~ tan huizhen chased us backstage again. bta. let's talk abt the day's attire... it was blouse and SKIRT with blazer and COURT SHOES??????!!!!!! BTA. the things in caps suck big time and the shoes sucked. i got blisters and i didn't look one bit classy i looked like a total idoit instead. so much for looking smart. back to the cake in the backstage. karen burnt the tip of her right thumb while lighting the candle and boy it sure was painful. she asked me whether her flesh was cooked. i said no. then she ask why got pop up(swollen" i said that according to einstein's theory of inflammation, there was a very thin layer of air between the flesh and the skin and when the fire came into contact with the skin, it mnade the air expand and tada. one bubble.... (which was obviously not true and since when did einstein do biology???) and was inflammation a theory) it was make up and i wanted to practise my speech skills early in case.. erhem i need to make a speech someday.ok then lam wan said it was time to push the cake otu but the candles were not yet lighted. then she ask me to light them i was like n no wo zhen the bu ke yi wo hen pa huo dui bu qi.... then i waved my hands frantically... dude. i was so sissified at that time. i couln't even light a match and lighter. neither could i light the stove and bunsen burner. somebody help. dd. ok bye Wednesday, January 12, 2005 11:34 PM i havent been blogging for ages and the last tag was on christmas. ok. i think i am sort of isolatingthis blog for the time being and just come on once in a while to update. my latest happening was yesterday when i was so pissed with junjie that i said he was an asshole when he was around. i din't mean it i swear on science and my life i really didn't know he was around owelll until flu told me. then i got this new computer pretty cool the screens real nice and big and i cant wait to try out the cd burner. then the cpus rea; ;long dunno why. yeah and i love DD i bet he doesnt even know my. he is a nice person i think a t least nicer than the TA. he doesn't wear ankle sox and doesn't spike his hair!!!! yay!!!!!! ok. its just admiration. cos he's in sec 4.... duhhh.... na mind i realised that i really love running ever since the cca trial. i ran alot of rounds beside the sec ones to motivate them cos running rox!!!!!!!!!!!! then i wanna train superr hard during training to ry to get into school team. I LOVE RUNNING!!!! tomorrow got training YAY!!!!! can see a ll the crossers!! X-COUNTRY ROX ROX ROX. WEEEEE. LUV YOU ALL. AND BABI FANN FATHER'S DAY IS COMING HORX. karen , dd rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to XIAO MIN : good for you. i can also have a papa to give a father's day present to!!! to ningxin my daughter in law-fathers' day is coming!!!!!!!! x_x nobody else knows what the hell i am saying except you all haha that's what makes it funnnnnnn!!!! our relationships are pretty complicated and there are a lot of fathers here and there including me!!!! o ya, we'll be having SWIMMING LESSONS. shittie. i am going to look so stoopid in that assy costume of mine, it was picked by my mom and its quite "auntie" so to say. o well. hope it tears soon so i can get a new one. and. lately i have been talking about CHEST HAIR to almost everybody. i think i wanna open a chest hair styling centre when i grow up ... can rebond can spike can plait. sooooo coool i bet i'll get a lot of business from janice. she recently sold her chest hair to mcdonald's and if you ever tasted twister fries , it is actually janice's chest hair organice and healthy marinated with pepper and salt. then deep fried in the fryer *ouch* ok it all started during training when janice was reportedly having gooosebumps all of a sudden. and according to the chest hair management doctor, it is a sympton od chest hair growth. tru enough while i was eating twister fries the next day, it dawned on me that janice had not chest hair that day..... so the story spreaded so quickly that jasmine and i were laughing like mad ducklings about it in front of the sec ones that even ivan knew about it,... ivan if you happen to read this which i know you won.'t we bet you dyed your chest hair transparent!!!! enough of all the hairs and stuff its 12am now..... duhhhhhhhh... i think i wanna sleep...*yawns* so BYE. ain't my life INTERESTING???? HELL YEA!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ 11:34 PM i havent been blogging for ages and the last tag was on christmas. ok. i think i am sort of isolatingthis blog for the time being and just come on once in a while to update. my latest happening was yesterday when i was so pissed with junjie that i said he was an asshole when he was around. i din't mean it i swear on science and my life i really didn't know he was around owelll until flu told me. then i got this new computer pretty cool the screens real nice and big and i cant wait to try out the cd burner. then the cpus rea; ;long dunno why. yeah and i love DD i bet he doesnt even know my. he is a nice person i think a t least nicer than the TA. he doesn't wear ankle sox and doesn't spike his hair!!!! yay!!!!!! ok. its just admiration. cos he's in sec 4.... duhhh.... na mind i realised that i really love running ever since the cca trial. i ran alot of rounds beside the sec ones to motivate them cos running rox!!!!!!!!!!!! then i wanna train superr hard during training to ry to get into school team. I LOVE RUNNING!!!! tomorrow got training YAY!!!!! can see a ll the crossers!! X-COUNTRY ROX ROX ROX. WEEEEE. LUV YOU ALL. AND BABI FANN FATHER'S DAY IS COMING HORX. karen , dd rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to XIAO MIN : good for you. i can also have a papa to give a father's day present to!!! to ningxin my daughter in law-fathers' day is coming!!!!!!!! x_x nobody else knows what the hell i am saying except you all haha that's what makes it funnnnnnn!!!! our relationships are pretty complicated and there are a lot of fathers here and there including me!!!! o ya, we'll be having SWIMMING LESSONS. shittie. i am going to look so stoopid in that assy costume of mine, it was picked by my mom and its quite "auntie" so to say. o well. hope it tears soon so i can get a new one. and. lately i have been talking about CHEST HAIR to almost everybody. i think i wanna open a chest hair styling centre when i grow up ... can rebond can spike can plait. sooooo coool i bet i'll get a lot of business from janice. she recently sold her chest hair to mcdonald's and if you ever tasted twister fries , it is actually janice's chest hair organice and healthy marinated with pepper and salt. then deep fried in the fryer *ouch* ok it all started during training when janice was reportedly having gooosebumps all of a sudden. and according to the chest hair management doctor, it is a sympton od chest hair growth. tru enough while i was eating twister fries the next day, it dawned on me that janice had not chest hair that day..... so the story spreaded so quickly that jasmine and i were laughing like mad ducklings about it in front of the sec ones that even ivan knew about it,... ivan if you happen to read this which i know you won.'t we bet you dyed your chest hair transparent!!!! enough of all the hairs and stuff its 12am now..... duhhhhhhhh... i think i wanna sleep...*yawns* so BYE. ain't my life INTERESTING???? HELL YEA!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |