Monday, November 29, 2004 5:18 PM currently at pearls house. this is offficial.... I AM OFFICIALLY ADDICTED TO BILLABONG STUFFX . YARH SHITTIE SHIT. I really hope i can get a new billabong watlabong teeeie bottie for school next year... then pearl will buy a billabong pencil box for my b-day next year....ihope m friends willl buy for me a billabong teee next year best is buy clothes... i hope can ge billabong stuffx yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 then i hope end of year when i go queensway daddie willl buy for me a white converse bsb shorts and the watie bottie... yay!!!! bongey rox.... tata gtg home liaos Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:45 PM hello... i feeel that me blog is boring... manx.... everyday the same thing.... ok so tomorrow going SCIENCE CENTRE WITH SANNAI!!! MAYBE LAOPO AND ERNAI ALSO GO THEN we yi4 jia1 tuan 2 ju4 sia. Ok then today i went imm with huixian to buy odessey of the mind props. then i ask her whther the fila bottle nice a not she say nice... haha then we shop shop shop actually bought a lot of things in the trolley in daiso but i smart ass. saved so much i say everything DIY better sia.. like that time lit project also... haha... boasting again. o ya btw today i also earned 30 bucks for myself . cos i didn't order and shoe from mR tan but he still give my 30 bucks subsidy sia. i'm still pondering what i should get. then later in the morning i went to dental appointment. ok, i admit the dentist was bveri cute. he looks a bit like mr leee. then he kept on talking like " how i was your holidays and i was like "fine" then he told me to wear braces. i said" i'm afraid i can't afford it" then he say can pay by instalment. ok fine . then he said , " your teeeth are relatively clean" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYES !!!!!!!! my teeth are clean! YYYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS! wooohooo. no wonder sia i everyday brush my teeth using the same amount of strength that i use to scrub toilet...*teeth gleaming* weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! he said i had buck tooth cos my teeth were crowding sia... ok back to imm with huixian. then we saved a lot in the end only bouigh aboput like 4 items... from daiso... thanks to ....MACHO EMILEE SUPERR SCIENTIST ELMO FOREVER MACHO MEIMEI SCIENCE CLUB MEMBER WORLD'S BEST PHYSICIST WANNA BE .... money saver!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! ok not funny i know .gtg bye. 8:45 PM heyx chalet over...... sooo sad.... DAY 1 some of us tpgether with welfare committeee went to giant at IMM on a shopping spree!!!!! sooo fun bought like 170++ worth of things manx...... beri coool then later went to take shuttle bus at bedok mrt station at the same time met up with the rest of the class.ok then saw meow shhooo cute wear the hat beri stlye.... then toook a pic with mooncake and shiobin with jiamin's cam phone. also took one with ernai. then sat the shuttle to our chalet... ok like i was like running and SCREAMING TO THE CHALET. some malay guys said,"relac lah" when i ran pass them screamion my lungs out.... then we checked into this totally smalll chalet... manx beri beri small. reallly really must squeez ebut like that also more warm. more cozy... then we went bike riding with jiayi shibin and munkei. then mumkei couln't ride... so she said we all go fisrt then shibin and jiayi reallly ride beri fast i reallly coudln't catch up with em. later emergency calll from jolene ask us go back immediately. then at the foot of the doorstep... jiayi so silly ran towards them then everyone throw water bomb at them... ahahahahahahaha ahma and i were OS DRY then later we played water bomb... SO FUN... FUNNEST THING IN CHALET i was the first one who got alll wet. because i stoopid go and disturb szekiat and bibi then they filll one pail fulll of water and pour it on my head,..... then girls against boys superr fun. i keep pouring szekiat and bibi. i poured roy once then he punched my back then i was like so pissed i didn't do anything to him. i feel that roy is disgusting. then everytime birdflu is always at the tap helping us the hold the ta[p so everytime i fill the bomb ialways pour directly above his head. then he poured one above my head to. then later bibi and szekiat pour another pail of water on me... thewn i was the soakiest person there. then later szekiat beri pooor thing he tooo tall then fell on the drain... everyone so worried. shows how populkar he is. then later everyone went back to the house left me, jiayi and szekiat stilll at the tap. i see jiayi and szekiat playing so happily then i don't wanna play goooseberry so i fill one water bomb then i pour on both of them then i said..."happy birthday to my lovebirds..." then i run away. haahaha they were so blur... then afterwards we had BBQ sia... smokescreen sia... like tearbomb like that so smokey. then i was preparing BBQ chikin wings with my ernai, sannai and jolene... laopo haven't come so the trays weren't here. so i had to make trays... i make until like siao kid like that then laopo came... efforts wasted sia... ahaha. then sanai shook hands with me with her hands full of chikin blood.yuck! haha but prety coool. then at night we all play blindmice in the room so fun man... then i whn i was the blindmice, i caught someone then i need to guess who it is. i acciedentally swing my hand at the persons neck then the shouders CLAMP me hand tight------- ernai. it was ernai... she beri scared ppl touch her one... haha. then we all play until beri fun. i kept using the pillow to throw at pearl SUPER HARD when she was blindmice. then later in the night. my parentsfetc me home cos i had the stoopid mechatronics and AGM tomorrow... DAY 2 was the stoopid emcee at the stoopid competition. really got stage fright manx. jiayi and shiqi were the main ones i was just a lackey. sannai and jiayi beri pro lor. then the whole day i was thinkin' bout the chalet. then later got the stoopid AGM they discuss all the crap i wish i wasn't there. then later i hurry run away to my daddie's car with yi tong ans szekait. then we drive to the house... when we reach szekiat already running then i don't wann lose mah. so i ran also .... yi tong behind cannot run cos her spine pain. then everyone was at chalet looking sooo sian... haha then later we all went toe the long house to eat dinner.... the order we sit in the table in a circle) me, laopoernai, jolene, shibin pearl,YIDIOT , ROY, szekiat, bibi, birdflu(beside me), then weordered food. laopo and i ate chikin rice with fruit juice.pangpang 's oyster egg's egg was deliciopus. jo's hokkien mee was tempting, shibin's carrot cake looks nice and pearl's chikin wing s were yummy and sexy.HAHA. THEN LATER PANGPANG WENT TO BUY PEARLS' CHIKIN WONGS THEN I Saw it was beri delicious so i also wne tot buy then wehn i went back. i dropped alll the chikin wongs on the floor except for onon the chair. i was like soooo piseed. then everyone beri shocked. so i ate the wing on the chair.... hiaz. on the way back saw a ol0t of doggies... then stary dogs also saw. jo and i beri scared even held hands. then saw this super cute super tiny pupie. pearl ans i were like running in the same likne with it. then when flu and szekiat were in the way, i push them then continue chasing the doggie.... then so dark beri freak out , jo was sooo brave. she dare to stand at the back... we held hands twice because of stary dogs. haha didn't know that she was such a sissy man. then at night we went to the MARINE COVE to bowl. jo and i saw these shorts sooo nice wanted to buy but the price was like 12.90 so gave up then lkater went to play arcade together cos the rest already started bowling. their arcade quite boring lah but the hit the belly part was coool. can show of my machoism mah... then later on the way back to the house i bought this blue and pink bernudas sooo coool!!! luv em. tyhen at the house. we p[layewd truth or dare but there was only a truth cos we can't do much things at night. pearl and bbi were sound asleep and thn thheir sleeping position weere like perpendicul;ar to each other. haha then pearl lehg was touching biobi's ultra spiky hair. she say she dreasmt she was standing on a grass patch. then everyone got to say the truth a number of times except me!!!! yaya!!!!! must be my senoir call me then give me all the luck... ahaha then we slept sooo squeezy but quite coool cos wei yuan went back home liao... chalet withouyt weiyuan was really beri fun!!! DAY 3 nuthin much we went to on of the cliffs.. cliff 7 to be exact thenwhile we were walking on the sand to the cliff was sooo scary... i think me and jo hel;d hands agaijn???? maybe not. yar. then we walde on the rocks so scary this time we held hands. the sea was freaky me its like got different colours at differnt areas cos the dasrker parts were deeper. the laopo screamed.... hyaah... then later we went down the cliff then laopo and ernai wanted to go into the sea i was so freak oput.... what can i do withoput m laopoz??? then i almost wanted to jump in to pull em(joking) realise dmy ahma was lifesaver1... then i dont need to jump in laio ... anyway they didn't go in then jo and i were on the shore holding hands again. flu go himself wet. and o yar. the boys were sitting in a line on the cliff so united... last thing... MY MOTHER SUX MY MOTHER SUX MY MOTHER SUX.... FEELING: DEPRESSED. needs :: DADDIE DEAREST DADDIE WHERE I ARE YOU??? LISTENED TO MY BLOG SONG AND CRIED again... Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:50 AM Ok right now in the com lab 2 manx... superrr boring the stupid mehatronics thingy..... Mr Rush allowed us helpers to use the coms he even said we could have toilet breaks that are hour long!!!! Talk about yesterday... It was SHOOOOOOO fun. I went JP with lao po and er nai. ernai cut her hair damned cute lor.....'meow. Then we toook some neoprints. i scanned them in at home liao but couldn't get into the internet so... maybe some other time. Then ernai bought this real sporty deuter bag ... suit her! Then when i went past 77th Street i saw that pink wallet. actually wanted to buy... then like something holding me back like that sowent down to The Wallet Shop... walao then when i walk past the shop i saw the wallet that i have been looking for for like AGES!!!! oI WAS SOOOO HAPPIE I STARIGHT away went to take it don then i fished twenty buck from my old wallet and bought the blue billabong wallet. Its the nicest wallet in the world man!!!!!! *clutches wallet tightly* weeeeeeeee~ really damned happie!!!! i love my walllet!!!! Billabong rox .... I think i willl c\scaqn the pic of my wallet someday when my com recovers from its sudden fever!!!! Then later 'ernai neeed to go home , got curfew... so laopo and i went lot 1... we toook neoprint again, i guess i'm really gettin' influenced buy pearl!!!! then i bought pastel pink sox and theyare sooo cute. then later we went to op then i chose a nice black shirt!!!! Someday i gonna get mummie to buy me a 37 degrees sorts. i already chooose properly liao.. its pink (again) beri sweet.weeeeeeeee~ sooooo happie. then laopo went to my house... then she did the superr makeover on my. She asked my to wearthat stupid spagetti stripes teee and my old skirt.... haha!!!! i look like the freak of all freaks!!! man!!!! i like the way i dress now. tee with shorts... that's the way i'll probably dress for the rest of my life! then i listen to Simple Plan's Welcome To My Life... which is my blog song... best song manx!! sorry emergency... LLM jia4 dau4... gtg Saturday, November 13, 2004 3:13 PM Ok, so i just read Ruiping's blog and i wa s Friday, November 12, 2004 7:42 PM I hereby announce that i am officially addicted to my laughing wrinkles. Ok, i'm seriously serious. Today when i walked back from Yew Tee MRT, i kept on smiling and touching my laughing wrinkle at the side of my face. Man. It's sadistic. But i can't help it. I felt that they we so cute!!!! like a line across my face. They are so cool.HAHA. Lats night i had the almost impossible dream of HIM. I wanna forget him but i can't. ^^ Glad that i can't forget him also. Sighs* No use fantasizing man. It's like this at this age. It will go away. But sometimes when i am bleeding in my heart, i really wish i had a shoulder to cry on... I wish there was someone to guide me in the dark. Man. I realised that i have feelings too?! Anyway. I decicded that i will attempt the Entrance Examination to the NUS High School For Maths And Science. I hope i will get in man... suddenlyrealised why there are so many cases of BGR happening. Everybody is feeling it. It's just a matter of how you control yourself. I know that i'm not even pretty and who would want me. So i shall stop all my nonsense but i have feelings too. I need a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on, a teddy bear hug and soemone to speak to... My father??? Maybe. Ok . My father, my father's the best. Phew. Seems like i'm taking him like a substitute. *knocks head* Cut it out emily. Stop being stupid. You are not fit to have this kind of feelings. So shut up and go to sleep. I thought you always sya you MACHO??? Machos don't need those bullshit. Machos depend on themselves. They lie on their on shoulders. brace up. Don't run away from reality man. ~ Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:10 AM ok... yesterday went for that stooopid "3G SAF Techx" Exhibition. iT was like....... ugh.. superr borring. The happiest thiong that happened to me yesterday was ------------------ Seeing my cutest little brother Julian Lim!!!! Ok... it was like i heard a bunch of sji guys saying rv this rv that... Thne i didn't bother to turn around. Then suddenly heard someone call out in a hoarse tone,"emily" Then i turn around.... There my short and cute little brother stoood. Then my reaction was like ,"Hi! Julian Lim!!!!" I was realli realli beri beri excited to see him man!! First time i saw him after like....AGES?? I realli miss him... Miss not hearing anyone say that special sound that only he can do... hahaah im laughing right now.... I know that there are like a lot of "replicas" of Julian Lim in my skool(example: BIBI, Lirui frm cross country,me myself...) ok i'm just joking i'mn such a macho... hoho.... boasting... Yar then i saw edmund my p1-p3 friend. then i call hima nd say hi... Thne the rest i ddidn't bother liao. I saw ivan like a ton of times. Then i always like GLARE at him and pretend that i didn't know him. then i also saw sebastian TAN and i also pretend i dunno him sia. Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:29 PM Today pearl and i and our mummies visited Toa Payoh healthcare center for the elderly. Then we got comments from a professional physiotherapist, Yandi. She said that our idea might work if there was assistance so i asked yandi about the ideas that Tan LS and LLM(idiot) proposed. She said without eeven hesitating that they were like out of the question. She even criticised their ideas!!!! MAN! How i wish LLM idiot was there with us to hear her idea being criticised. Whoa! If LLM idiot was there, i bet she would quarrel with Yandi. Good. Yandi will win. Given her experience and her positive atitude. LLM havent even talk already lose already cos of her stupid face and stupid vioce and STINKY atitude. She SERIOUSLY HAS AP. I have never in my life been SOO PISSED AT A TEACHER. I realised something about teachers, They ALWAYS think they are RIGHT and we, students have to stand aside and GIVE IN. I suddenly like all science teachers except LLM maybe i should paint a portrait of LLM and post it up. With my "excellent" artistic skills, i'm sure she would look like the world's hottest "BABE". LLM, i seriously cant stand your stupid atitude, nobody can. Can't you just speak to people in a friendlier way, instead of frowning at every thing. Honestly i haven't seen you smile AT ALL. Can't you just SMILE???? Do you know that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.?? I thought you are beri smart?? I thought you know all the facts??? Huh?? Do you know you have twos words written in caps all over your face?? Do you know what they are??You are such a mean nasty fool... Take a mirror and stare hard,.... "PUNCH ME" Monday, November 01, 2004 8:36 PM Today my darling Fann fall down while doing the drills... It was so painful lor its like her skin tear off.... Bleeding like hell! Everybody so concerned man. Really beri painful. I realli admire Fann's determination and courage. Its like she fall down so badly she still run with us... She is beri brave. Fann jiayou! Cross will always support ya man! Then todayduring Tan Kah Kee(TKK), We were so happie cause we were going to finish already. Then Stoopid Lilimui come and gao3 luan4. She keep trying find fault with us. She say the seat is blocking the space for the person to walk but its like hello???? are we That Stoopid to not even know that? We have already inserted a flip-flap seat designed to ensure the convenience of the old folk. She thinks we are stoopid She keep asking mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 questions which we already have taken into account. Every question she ask, i answer with confidence but i sincerely feel like slapping her. her stoopid mean face?! Can't she just smile and tell us nicely? I won't so pissed that way. She keep syaing that our seat cannot withstand weight... I mean hello??? We havent completed it yet. Then she say that there's something wrong. Then she keep on using so much force to press the the acrylic and she even using the metal rod to KNOCK IT!!!!! Shit her man! The later pearl and i left for speech and drama then when we came back to the lab after class. THERE WAS ALREADY A BIG CRACK ON THE ACRYLIC AND WE HAD TO REDO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LILIMUI SUCKS SHE SUCKS SHE SUCKS SHE SUCKS SHE ' STHE WORST PERSON ON EARTH. SHE IS SO DAMNED IDIOTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Then mr oh told us lilimui wants us to redo it her way. I Mean its Tan Kah Kee YOUNG Inventors Competition. Its supposed to be us who design and invent the product. Not her. We can find no flaw with our product. I can tell you with confidence that i can answer every question she asks. Cos we really planned beri carefully. She think we nv plan before we do like she never plan before she say things! Then i started to tear. Its our hard work. Everthing mr oh i kept on answering back, i dont care if i'll lose my sc position or what, i say what i think is right. Then mr oh thought that our invention was fullproof also. The n he said he will help us to argue then i replied, "We will help ourselves argue also." The he said,"YES! THAT'S THE SPIRIT I WANT!" I was quite touched cos i know fighting lilimui isn't as easy as i thoguth it to be. Hopefully i can try to get my favourite teacher Mrs Lim Woon Foong to help she's Science HOD man! she rox she's so nice! Then i found someone elso who was a beri special person. Mdm Zubaidah. She is nicer that i thought what she said to us made us beri touched she gave us our support and i will treasure it. We will heed her advice. I will come up with the design plan to convince lilimui till she can't say anything. I can do it. I know i can. With Zubaidah and Oh's help, i will kill lilimui with shedding any blood. I will. I'll rip her skin. I'll prove to her that i dare to do it. I dare to go against her and do what is right. |
![]() Face taught me to be happy regardless of what life throws at me. Hi, my name is Emily and i am a very fussy person. I don't eat vegetables. I like forest green and navy blue. I also hate my high-pitched voice.
Dr Cai soccerists 2b CROSStheTRACK aman audrey BBEQ piangs moomoo pwee jingmin kahan hiongy stingyningy pear maoshe maoxi sihui niaoniao sweaty yittykitty (rofl) September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 January 2012 March 2012 May 2012 June 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 September 2013 basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: volcom |